Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Spitzer: Weiner Should Not Be NYC Mayor

Former Democratic New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer - who left office in disgrace amid a prostitution scandal - said Monday he won?t vote for mayoral hopecful Anthony Weiner and would fire any official involved in the kind of lewd online behaviour Weiner has acknowleged.

Spitzer, who is attempting a political comeback with a campaign for New York comptroller, had previously declined to call for the scandal-plagued Weiner to drop out of the mayoral race. But his position changed in an exchange with MSNBC host Chris Matthews,The Hill reported.

?You?re not going to vote for Anthony Weiner, can you just say that now?,? Matthews asked. ?You don?t think he should be mayor of New York.?

?Fair point, that?s correct,? Spitzer answered -- adding that if elected, he?d also fire any public official caught sexting.

?We have had a number of instances over the years where inevitably, of course, municipal employees, state employees have used computers and the like for improper purposes and there is an appropriate sanction for that and there should be,? he said.

On HBO?s ?Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday, Spitzer insisted ??it?s going to be for voters to decide? Weiner?s political fate, the Washington Post reported.

Spitzer?s change of heart comes as Weiner?s poll numbers plummet, falling to fourth in the mayoral race as he continues to be dogged by revelations that he continued sexting women months after similar behaviour forced him from office in 2011.

In 2008, Spitzer admitted solicitindg prostitutes and resigned.

? 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/spitzer-weiner-nyc-mayor/2013/07/29/id/517642

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