Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How other people use the Internet

How right you are, Kay. I've seen the same sort of thing many times. For example, I have a friend who regularly visits the page of a certain BBC TV series, so that he can read a synopsis of the previous day's happenings in the programme. Each time, he types the name of the show into Google, gets the results page, and clicks on the link in question. I asked him why he doesn't simply bookmark the page. He was mystified.

I also came across a guy who was working on a Word document. When he finished, he saved the document, then did Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up Task Manager, and then used that to terminate Word. When I asked him why he did that, he said that it was the only way he knew to close an application, and as it had always worked, he didn't see any point in doing it any other way.

One more story to illustrate your point. I heard a radio interview with a lady who had recently given birth. She was worried that her baby had a large birthmark on her face. The doctor told her not to worry, and that it would clear up in a day or two. When that didn't happen, the lady googled a description of the birthmark. That led her to a forum where they discussed that sort of thing. She posted a message saying that she was worried, and should she take any action. Within an hour, she received a reply from an medical expert in the field, who said she was right to be worried, and if no action was taken, the child could have a permanent disfigurement. This guy then arranged an urgent appointment at a local children's hospital. When she arrived, the staff at the hospital immediately arranged for an emergency procedure, which was successful.

The interview finished with the lady saying that Google had saved her baby from growing up with a permanent scar. If she could meet the person in charge of Google, she would give him a big kiss in gratitude. So, never mind the forum where she was able to ask for help, or the medical guy who went out of his way to arrange the urgent appointment, or the staff at the hospital who carried out the procedure. To her, all this was subsidiary to the search engine, which she saw as the real hero of the day.


Source: http://experienced-people.net/forums/showthread.php/10979-How-other-people-use-the-Internet

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