Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Five Favorite Films with Warwick Davis

One more, what's it gonna be? Ask me another question, 'cause something will pop up in the meantime.

It must be nice to know that 25 years later, a lot of people love Willow; it's become something of cult favorite.

I know, it is, it's nice. I feel very flattered knowing that people enjoy watching it, enjoy handing it down to their kids and their grand-kids, which is something I hear all the time. There's not a lot of films that people still talk about 25 years later.

Your first role, or course, was in Return of the Jedi, which it's fair to say a few people still talk about. Is there a place for Wicket in the new Star Wars films?

I don't know. I honestly don't think so. I mean, the Ewoks kicked the Stormtroopers' butts and I think that's their job done, you know. Unless the story somehow goes back to Endor, which I don't know -- I wouldn't think the story would pick up exactly where it left off. We're not all gonna be cuddling to begin the new adventure [laughs].

Well you'd made your peace with R2-D2 at the end of the Jedi, so there could be a standalone buddy movie in store.

[Laughs] That would be funny. A little buddy movie between R2 and Wicket. But I'd like to play a villain. Somebody who's really nasty, with a lightsaber. That would be ideal.

So you just want a lightsaber this time, that's what it comes down to.

[Laughs] Oh yeah. I never got to wield one of them, and I'm very experienced in waving things around, as far as wands go.

Alright, have you been inspired to come up with your fifth favorite film?

Okay, well now I've got one of two. Either The Muppets, the new movie, or a film called Monsters, which I really liked. I think I might put that one in. I loved the production design, which I gather [Gareth Edwards] did all himself, and the music by John Hopkins. I'm a huge fan of his music anyway, and his music is what introduced me to the film, which is weird. I look for anything that John's done, and discovered he'd done the music to this film Monsters. I loved the soundtrack and I thought, "I wonder what this film's like?" I loved the movie. I thought it was a terrific job.


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