Tuesday, March 26, 2013

UW researchers discover the brain origins of variation in pathological anxiety

UW researchers discover the brain origins of variation in pathological anxiety [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: Susan Lampert Smith
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, Wis. New findings from nonhuman primates suggest that an overactive core circuit in the brain, and its interaction with other specialized circuits, accounts for the variability in symptoms shown by patients with severe anxiety. In a brain-imaging study to be published online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health describe work that for the first time provides an understanding of the root causes of clinical variability in anxiety disorders.

Using a well-established nonhuman primate model of childhood anxiety, the scientists identified a core circuit that is chronically over-active in all anxious individuals, regardless of their particular pattern of symptoms. They also identified a set of more specialized circuits that are over- or under-active in individuals prone to particular symptoms, such as chronically high levels of the stress-hormone cortisol.

"These findings provide important new insights into altered brain functioning that explain why people with anxiety have such different symptoms and clinical presentations, and it also gives us new ideas, based on an understanding of altered brain function, for helping people with different types of anxiety,'' says Dr. Ned Kalin, senior author, chair of Psychiatry and director of the HealthEmotions Research Institute.

"There is a large need for new treatment strategies, because our current treatments don't work well for many anxious adults and children who come to us for help."

In the study, key anxiety-related symptoms were measured in 238 young rhesus monkeys using behavioral and hormonal measurement procedures similar to those routinely used to assess extreme shyness in children. Young monkeys are ideally suited for these studies because of their similarities in brain development and social behavior, Kalin noted. Variation in brain activity was quantified in the monkeys using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, a method that is also used in humans.

Combining behavioral measures of shyness, physiological measures of the stress-hormone cortisol, and brain metabolic imaging, co-lead authors Dr. Alexander Shackman, Andrew Fox, and their collaborators showed that a core neural system marked by elevated activity in the central nucleus of the amygdala was a consistent brain signature shared by young monkeys with chronically high levels of anxiety. This was true despite striking differences across monkeys in the predominance of particular anxiety-related symptoms.

The Wisconsin researchers also showed that young monkeys with particular anxiety profiles, such as high levels of shyness, showed changes in symptom-specific brain circuits. Finally, Shackman, Fox, and colleagues uncovered evidence that the two kinds of brain circuits, one shared by all anxious individuals, the other specific to those with particular symptoms, work together to produce different presentations of pathological anxiety.

The new study builds upon earlier work by the Kalin laboratory demonstrating that activity in the amygdala is strongly shaped by early-life experiences, such as parenting and social interactions. They hypothesize that extreme anxiety stems from problems with the normal maturation of brain systems involved in emotional learning, which suggests that anxious children have difficulty learning to effectively regulate brain anxiety circuits. Taken together, this line of research sets the stage for improved strategies for preventing extreme childhood anxiety from blossoming into full-blown anxiety disorders.

"This means the amygdala is an extremely attractive target for new, broad-spectrum anxiety treatments,'' says Shackman. "The central nucleus of the amygdala is a uniquely malleable substrate for anxiety, one that can help to trigger a wide range of symptoms."

The work also suggests more specific brain targets for different symptom profiles. Such therapies could range from new, more selectively targeted medications to intensive therapies that seek to re-train the amygdala, ranging from conventional cognitive-behavioral therapies to training in mindfulness and other techniques, Shackman noted. To further understand the clinical significance of these observations, the laboratory is conducting a parallel study in young children suffering from anxiety disorders.


Other members of the research team include Dr. Jonathan Oler, Steven Shelton and Dr. Richard Davidson, all of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Shackman is in the process of moving to the University of Maryland as an assistant professor. An abstract is available here: http://www.pnas.org/

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UW researchers discover the brain origins of variation in pathological anxiety [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: Susan Lampert Smith
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, Wis. New findings from nonhuman primates suggest that an overactive core circuit in the brain, and its interaction with other specialized circuits, accounts for the variability in symptoms shown by patients with severe anxiety. In a brain-imaging study to be published online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health describe work that for the first time provides an understanding of the root causes of clinical variability in anxiety disorders.

Using a well-established nonhuman primate model of childhood anxiety, the scientists identified a core circuit that is chronically over-active in all anxious individuals, regardless of their particular pattern of symptoms. They also identified a set of more specialized circuits that are over- or under-active in individuals prone to particular symptoms, such as chronically high levels of the stress-hormone cortisol.

"These findings provide important new insights into altered brain functioning that explain why people with anxiety have such different symptoms and clinical presentations, and it also gives us new ideas, based on an understanding of altered brain function, for helping people with different types of anxiety,'' says Dr. Ned Kalin, senior author, chair of Psychiatry and director of the HealthEmotions Research Institute.

"There is a large need for new treatment strategies, because our current treatments don't work well for many anxious adults and children who come to us for help."

In the study, key anxiety-related symptoms were measured in 238 young rhesus monkeys using behavioral and hormonal measurement procedures similar to those routinely used to assess extreme shyness in children. Young monkeys are ideally suited for these studies because of their similarities in brain development and social behavior, Kalin noted. Variation in brain activity was quantified in the monkeys using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, a method that is also used in humans.

Combining behavioral measures of shyness, physiological measures of the stress-hormone cortisol, and brain metabolic imaging, co-lead authors Dr. Alexander Shackman, Andrew Fox, and their collaborators showed that a core neural system marked by elevated activity in the central nucleus of the amygdala was a consistent brain signature shared by young monkeys with chronically high levels of anxiety. This was true despite striking differences across monkeys in the predominance of particular anxiety-related symptoms.

The Wisconsin researchers also showed that young monkeys with particular anxiety profiles, such as high levels of shyness, showed changes in symptom-specific brain circuits. Finally, Shackman, Fox, and colleagues uncovered evidence that the two kinds of brain circuits, one shared by all anxious individuals, the other specific to those with particular symptoms, work together to produce different presentations of pathological anxiety.

The new study builds upon earlier work by the Kalin laboratory demonstrating that activity in the amygdala is strongly shaped by early-life experiences, such as parenting and social interactions. They hypothesize that extreme anxiety stems from problems with the normal maturation of brain systems involved in emotional learning, which suggests that anxious children have difficulty learning to effectively regulate brain anxiety circuits. Taken together, this line of research sets the stage for improved strategies for preventing extreme childhood anxiety from blossoming into full-blown anxiety disorders.

"This means the amygdala is an extremely attractive target for new, broad-spectrum anxiety treatments,'' says Shackman. "The central nucleus of the amygdala is a uniquely malleable substrate for anxiety, one that can help to trigger a wide range of symptoms."

The work also suggests more specific brain targets for different symptom profiles. Such therapies could range from new, more selectively targeted medications to intensive therapies that seek to re-train the amygdala, ranging from conventional cognitive-behavioral therapies to training in mindfulness and other techniques, Shackman noted. To further understand the clinical significance of these observations, the laboratory is conducting a parallel study in young children suffering from anxiety disorders.


Other members of the research team include Dr. Jonathan Oler, Steven Shelton and Dr. Richard Davidson, all of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Shackman is in the process of moving to the University of Maryland as an assistant professor. An abstract is available here: http://www.pnas.org/

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Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-03/uow-urd032513.php

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Resolve App for LighthouseApp lets you track your software support issues on the go

Resolve App for LighthouseApp lets you track your software support issues on the go

Resolve App by Dragon Forged Software is an iPhone front-end for the popular bug-tracking service LighthouseApp. As such, it requires that you have a LighthouseApp account in order to use it, but once you do, it gives you quick. convenient access to all your issues, right on your iPhone.

Resolve App includes real-time push notifications for ticket updates, ticket attachments via iCloud, custom ticket states, ticket and milestone project sorting, tag, milestone, and priority editing, and more. It supposed multiple projects, and you can view open, closed, invalid, and hold tickets, and all open and archived projects. There's even a built in browser and support for Markdown.

I bought it and played around with it a little using a demo account they were kind enough to provide me. I'm not a developer, so I lack sufficient foundation to judge the merits of LighthouseApp, but developers and designers I know have spoken highly of it. Resolve App does a good job of taking what looks to be a fairly dense, dynamic, and serious information set and making it usable on mobile.

If you're a LighthouseApp users and you want to take your support tickets with you on the go, give Resolve App a look and let me know what you think.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/PUi29gK_kMg/story01.htm

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pets Are Good for Us, Human-Animal Interaction Experts Meeting ...

Pets Are Good for Us, Human-Animal Interaction Experts Meeting

The magic solution for good health has four legs and a tail. It turns out that sharing your life with a pet is good for you. "We know that there are positive neurochemical changes that occur by merely walking down the street and seeing a dog," says Rebecca Johnson, president of the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations (IAHAIO), the umbrella organization for over 40 associations and many individual scientists who are doing the research to better understand human/animal relationships. IAHAIO is also made up of numerous organizations that conduct programs in hospitals, schools and elsewhere.

Every three years, scientists, leaders of organizations that offer animal-assisted therapy or other animal-related programs, veterinarians and other interested parties attend an international meeting to share the latest research in their fields. The next IAHAIO Conference will be in the U.S. for the first time, held in conjunction with the 150th Annual Convention of the American Veterinary Medical Association, July 19-23 in Chicago, IL.

Lots of previous studies have shown that living with a dog has numerous health benefits. In fact, merely petting a dog is beneficial. "Don't forget cats," says Dennis Turner at the University of Zurich. Talking via Skype, he let the cat out of the bag. Turner's research demonstrates that cats can be therapeutic for clinically depressed individuals, likely even more so than dogs in some settings.

"Cats accept the amount of contact a person is ready to give," he says. "Cats do vocalize more, rub against people more, and tend to stay longer with individuals who may be depressed."

Dogs can be a tad more pushy in their demands for attention, and may want to go out for a walk, which can also be therapeutic. notes Johnson, who is also professor and director of research Center for Human Animal Interactions at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She has studied the seemingly simple concept of dog-walking for several years now.

"We showed that when older adults walk shelter dogs, we measured a significant increase in their normal walking speed, improving their fitness. Of course, walking shelter dogs was wonderful for those dogs," says Johnson.

Johnson adds that colleagues from Australia will talk at the conference about their findings that demonstrate dog-walking also increases social capital. "When people are out walking dogs, communities are perceived as safer, friendlier and better places to live," she says.

Turner also recently concluded an extensive study of 6,000 adults in a dozen countries (Brazil, China, England, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Singapore, Switzerland and the United Arab Emeritus) to learn about the relationship between religion and pet ownership, and general notions people have about pets in various nations. He questioned both pet owners and non-pet owners.

For instance, Turner's results demonstrate that the popular notion that Muslims disdain pets may be false. "They don't want pets on their prayer rugs indoors, but overall, their feelings for pets were more favorable than some might have predicted," he says. Turner concedes that research in additional Arab countries might be worthwhile.

Jews and Christians ranked lowest when it came to agreeing that animals think as people do, Turner found. "Likely, this goes back to the belief that man has dominion over animals," he suggests.

Turner's research demonstrated that people who identified themselves as Hindus and Buddhists were most "animal tolerant."

Dogs can make a difference in people's lives in unexpected ways. Speaking via Skype from Ammerzoden, Netherlands, psychologist Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers says her study paired nearly 30 families with autistic children from ages 4 to 7 with a service dog. "At this age, the children often begin to be bullied, but we noted this didn't happen. In fact, the dogs attracted friends, which seemed to force improvement in the social skills (of the autistic children)," says Enders-Slegers.

Autistic children often have tactile issues, not wanting to be touched or to touch others. Over time, Enders-Slegers noted that while some children wouldn't hug Mom, they eventually hugged the dogs, or at least petted them. The study also measured an increase in cognitive learning.

To unleash all the potential uses of pets in therapy settings, the science must come first. "This conference is about sharing and discussing new information, creating new horizons," Johnson adds.

About 150 people will present papers at the IAHAIO conference, which is open to the public. Over 800 people from around the globe are expected to attend, not to mention the thousands of veterinary professionals attending the AVMA convention. Learn more here.

?Steve Dale, Tribune Media Services?

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Filed under: American Veterinary Medical Association, animal assisted therapy, animal shelters, cats, dogs, pets, service dog, Therapy dog

Tags: anima assisted therapy, autism and dogs, cats as therapy, Dennis Turner, dog walking, Dr. Marie-Jose Slegers, IAHAIO, International Association of Human Animal Interaction Organizations, petting cats, petting dogs, Rebecca Johnson, religion and pets, Steve Dale archives, therapy dogs, walking dogs

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/steve-dales-pet-world/2013/03/pets-are-good-for-us-human-animal-interaction-experts-meeting/

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Record simulations conducted on Lawrence Livermore supercomputer

Mar. 19, 2013 ? Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have performed record simulations using all 1,572,864 cores of Sequoia, the largest supercomputer in the world. Sequoia, based on IBM BlueGene/Q architecture, is the first machine to exceed one million computational cores. It also is No. 2 on the list of the world's fastest supercomputers, operating at 16.3 petaflops (16.3 quadrillion floating point operations per second).

The simulations are the largest particle-in-cell (PIC) code simulations by number of cores ever performed. PIC simulations are used extensively in plasma physics to model the motion of the charged particles, and the electromagnetic interactions between them, that make up ionized matter. High performance computers such as Sequoia enable these codes to follow the simultaneous evolution of tens of billions to trillions of individual particles in highly complex systems.

Frederico Fiuza, a physicist and Lawrence Fellow at LLNL, performed the simulations in order to study the interaction of ultra-powerful lasers with dense plasmas in a proposed method to produce fusion energy, the energy source that powers the sun, in a laboratory setting. The method, known as fast ignition, uses lasers capable of delivering more than a petawatt of power (a million billion watts) in a fraction of a billionth of a second to heat compressed deuterium and tritium (DT) fuel to temperatures exceeding the 50 million degrees Celsius needed to initiate fusion reactions and release net energy. The project is part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy Science Program.

This method differs from the approach being taken by LLNL's National Ignition Facility to achieve thermonuclear ignition and burn. NIF's approach is called the "central hot spot" scenario, which relies on simultaneous compression and ignition of a spherical fuel capsule in an implosion, much like in a diesel engine. Fast ignition uses the same hardware as the hot spot approach but adds a high-intensity, ultrashort-pulse laser as the "spark" that achieves ignition.

The code used in these simulations was OSIRIS, a PIC code that has been developed over more than 10 years in a collaboration between the University of California, Los Angeles and Portugal's Instituto Superior T?cnico. Using this code, Fiuza demonstrated excellent scaling in parallel performance of OSIRIS to the full 1.6 million cores of Sequoia. By increasing the number of cores for a relatively small problem of fixed size, what computer scientists call "strong scaling," OSIRIS obtained 75 percent efficiency on the full machine. But when the total problem size was increased, what is called "weak scaling," a 97 percent efficiency was achieved.

"This means that a simulation that would take an entire year to perform on a medium-size cluster of 4,000 cores can be performed in a single day. Alternatively, problems 400 times greater in size can be simulated in the same amount of time," Fiuza said. "The combination of this unique supercomputer and this highly efficient and scalable code is allowing for transformative research."

OSIRIS is routinely used for fundamental science during the test phase of Sequoia in simulations with up to 256,000 cores. These simulations are allowing researchers, for the first time, to model the interaction of realistic fast-ignition-scale lasers with dense plasmas in three dimensions with sufficient speed to explore a large parameter space and optimize the design for ignition. Each simulation evolves the dynamics of more than 100 billion particles for more than 100,000 computational time steps. This is approximately an order of magnitude larger than the previous largest simulations of fast ignition.

Sequoia is a National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) machine, developed and fielded as part of NNSA's Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program. Sequoia is preparing to move to classified computing in support of stockpile stewardship.

"This historic calculation is an impressive demonstration of the power of high-performance computing to advance our scientific understanding of complex systems," said Bill Goldstein, LLNL's deputy director for Science and Technology. "With simulations like this, we can help transform the outlook for laboratory fusion as a tool for science, energy and stewardship of the nuclear stockpile."

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/DBPgPndvqKw/130319144540.htm

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US won't stop others from arming Syria rebels

ISTANBUL (AP) ? Ending Syria's civil war through negotiations seemed an even more remote prospect Monday, as the main opposition group tried to set up a rival government to President Bashar Assad's regime and the U.S. said it won't stop allies from arming the rebels.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition met in Istanbul, Turkey, on Monday to elect a prime minister who would run an interim government in Syria's rebel-held areas.

The election was initially set for Tuesday, but officials then said it might take place later Monday. Similar efforts had been derailed by internal disputes in the past.

Setting up such a government, in a direct challenge to the regime, could harden battle lines even more and close the door to negotiations between Assad and the opposition.

The U.S. has been cool to the idea of a rival government, saying the focus should be on a political transition. Under a plan endorsed by the international community last year, Assad's supporters and opponents were to propose representatives for a transition government, with each side able to veto candidates.

However, the plan did not address Assad's role. Most in the Syrian opposition rule out any negotiations with the Syrian ruler.

On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the Obama administration wants to leave the door open for a political solution.

But concerning Syria's rebels, "the United States does not stand in the way of other countries that made a decision to provide arms, whether it's France or Britain or others," Kerry said, speaking in Washington.

His comments came after French President Francois Hollande said last week that his country and Britain were pushing the European Union to lift its arms embargo on Syria as soon as possible so that they can send weapons to rebel fighters.

The two countries are seeking military help for the rebels by the end of May or earlier if possible. Germany and other EU nations have been skeptical, pointing to the risk of further escalation.

Britain and France argue that Assad will not hold genuine negotiations if he believes he can survive militarily and that strengthening the rebels is the only way of squeezing the regime.

Kerry's remarks indicate that the Obama administration will not interfere with any country seeking to rebalance the fight against an Assad regime supported by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.

The United States long argued that more weapons in Syria would only make peace harder. As the violence has worsened over the last year, Washington has tempered that message somewhat. It is now promising nonlethal aid to the anti-Assad militias in the form of meals and medical kits, and refusing to rule out further escalation.

The Syria conflict erupted in March 2011 as a largely peaceful uprising. In response to a regime crackdown, the rebellion turned into an armed insurgency and then civil war. More than 70,000 people have been killed and some 4 million of Syria's 22 million people have been driven from their homes by the fighting, according to U.N. estimates.

The conflict remains deadlocked, with rebels controlling large areas in northern and eastern Syria, and the regime defending its hold on the capital Damascus and elsewhere. Services have broken down in many rebel-held areas, which come under frequent regime attack by air-dropped bombs and artillery.

The Syrian National Coalition, largely based in exile, has wrestled for weeks with a decision on setting up an interim government. The exiles could have trouble asserting their authority in war-ravaged regions, and the risk of failure is high.

"Expectations will be high and means will be low," said coalition member Louay Safi.

However, Safi believes support for an interim government will grow if it shows it can deliver services to people in the rebel-run territories. "Anyone who tries to oppose it will be in a difficult position," he said.

All those attending the Istanbul conference said they oppose negotiations between the opposition and the Assad regime on the terms of ending the war.

"We've heard a lot about this 'peaceful solution,' but there are no positive, real steps from the regime, and the opposition presented its plan and it is clear that the regime was just playing for time," said Nizar Al Hrakey, another coalition member.

The election of a prime minister was initially to begin Tuesday, but conference participants said it might take place later Monday.

The coalition's 73-member general assembly is choosing among 12 candidates for the job.

Earlier Monday, the head of the main rebel group, the Free Syrian Army, lent his support to the idea of an interim government.

Gen. Salim Idris told reporters that fighters affiliated with the FSA will recognize the authority of such a government.

"We consider it the only legal government in the country," Idris said in Istanbul.

Idris also portrayed the FSA as the most powerful and organized rebel formation in Syria. It remains unclear, however, how many of the hundreds of rebel brigades fighting Assad's forces follow Idris' commands or are linked to his group.

Some of the most effective rebel groups are Islamic extremists who have developed their own support networks. One of them, Jabhat al-Nusra, has been designated a terrorist group by the United States and is said to be linked to al-Qaida.

Idris said his group has no relationship with Jabhat al-Nusra.

He renewed his call for world powers to arm rebel fighters, saying his group would ensure that the weapons don't fall into the wrong hands ? a prime concern of the U.S. and other powers, especially given Syria's southern frontier with Israel.

"We have the power and the organizational capacity to control the movement of these weapons and keep them in safe, trusted hands," he said.

In Syria, meanwhile, three mortar shells struck central Damascus, the seat of Assad's power. The pro-government's Al-Ikhbariya TV said one of the shells fell in Muhajireen district near Tishreen Palace, one of three palaces that Assad uses in the capital.

Activists also reported that mortar shells struck near state security agencies in al-Barakmeh district and close to the Higher Education Ministry in Mazzeh district.

At least 26 people died Monday in fighting in Damascus and its suburbs, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an activist group.

Also on Monday, Assad's fighter jets struck targets near the town of Arsal, Lebanon, according to Lebanon's state-run National News Agency. The two countries share a porous border.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland confirmed that Syrian warplanes and helicopters fired rockets into northern Lebanon, striking near Arsal.

"This constitutes a significant escalation in the violations of Lebanese sovereignty that the Syrian regime has been guilty of," Nuland said. "These kinds of violations of sovereignty are absolutely unacceptable.'


Associated Press writer Bradley S. Klapper in Washington contributed to this report

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-wont-stop-others-arming-syria-rebels-194858898.html

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Palestinians unenthusiastic about Obama visit

FILE-- In this Friday, March. 15, 2013 file photo, a Palestinian woman walks past vandalized posters showing US President Barack Obama, in the West Bank city of Ramallah. When he visits the region next week President Obama will find a disillusioned Palestinian public, skeptical about his commitment to promoting Mideast peace, and who accuse him of unfairly favoring Israel. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed, File)

FILE-- In this Friday, March. 15, 2013 file photo, a Palestinian woman walks past vandalized posters showing US President Barack Obama, in the West Bank city of Ramallah. When he visits the region next week President Obama will find a disillusioned Palestinian public, skeptical about his commitment to promoting Mideast peace, and who accuse him of unfairly favoring Israel. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed, File)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama will find a disillusioned Palestinian public, skeptical about his commitment to promoting Mideast peace, when he visits the region.

Obama's trip, beginning Wednesday, appears aimed primarily at resetting the sometimes troubled relationship with Israel. But winning the trust of the Palestinians, who accuse him of unfairly favoring Israel, could be a far more difficult task.

After suffering disappointments during the first Obama administration, Palestinians see little reason for optimism in his new term. The White House announcement that Obama will not present any new peace initiatives strengthened their conviction that the U.S. leader isn't prepared to put the pressure on Israel that they think is necessary to end four years of deadlock in negotiations.

"Obama is coming for Israel, not for us," said Mohammed Albouz, a 55-year-old Palestinian farmer. "Obama will come and go as his predecessors did, without doing anything."

While Israel is preparing to give Obama the red-carpet treatment, there are few signs of excitement in the West Bank. Large posters of Obama hung in Ramallah last week were quickly defaced, and a small group of activists called "The Campaign for Dignity" plans on releasing black balloons into the air in a sign of mourning when Obama arrives.

Obama himself played a role in reaching the current deadlock, which stems in large part from disagreements over Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The Palestinians claim both areas, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war, as parts of a future state, a position that is widely backed internationally.

When Obama first took office, he strongly and publicly criticized the Israeli settlements, saying the construction undermines hopes for peace. "It is time for these settlements to stop," Obama said in a high-profile address to the Muslim world delivered in Cairo just months after taking office.

When Benjamin Netanyahu was elected Israeli prime minister in early 2009, the Palestinians said they would not negotiate unless settlement construction was frozen. They were further emboldened by Obama's tough stance.

Obama persuaded Netanyahu to impose a 10-month slowdown, but Palestinians did not agree to restart talks until the period was nearly over. When the Israeli moratorium expired several weeks later, Netanyahu rejected American appeals to extend the slowdown, and the negotiations collapsed.

Obama stopped pushing the matter, and talks have never resumed, and the Palestinians, viewing Obama as afraid to take on Israel's allies in Washington, have few expectations now.

"What we are going to tell him behind closed doors is what we are saying in public. There is no secret that a successful peace process needs a complete settlement freeze," said Nabil Shaath, a top adviser to President Mahmoud Abbas. "The Israelis are building on our land and claiming they want to negotiate with us about this land."

More than 500,000 Israelis now live in settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The Palestinians say the ever-growing settlements are a sign of bad faith and make it increasingly difficult to partition the land between two peoples.

Netanyahu maintains that negotiations must resume without preconditions, and the fate of the settlements should be one of the issues on the table. He notes that previous rounds of negotiations have gone forward without a construction freeze.

Obama will get a firsthand glimpse of settlements when he heads to the Palestinian city of Ramallah on Thursday. The 20-minute drive from Jerusalem passes by sprawling settlements that are home to tens of thousands of Israelis.

Obama is scheduled to meet with Palestinian leaders and visit a youth center. He plans to head to the West Bank town of Bethlehem the next day to see the Church of the Nativity, built on the site where Christian tradition says Jesus was born.

Netanyahu, who was re-elected in January, has said he will make a renewed push for peace in his new term. His new government, which takes office this week, is sending mixed signals.

On one hand, he has named former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, a political centrist who has good working relations with the Palestinians, as his chief negotiator. The biggest partner in his coalition, the centrist Yesh Atid Party, has demanded the new government make a serious attempt to restart talks.

At the same time, Netanyahu's own Likud-Yisrael Beitenu bloc is dominated by hard-liners who oppose major concessions to the Palestinians. Another partner, the Jewish Home Party, is linked to the settler movement and would reject any attempts to freeze construction, much less hand over West Bank territory to the Palestinians.

Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, said getting talks back on track will require a deeper and long-standing effort by the president and his new secretary of state, John Kerry, who is expected back in the region in April.

"We really hope that President Obama and Secretary Kerry can succeed in reviving a meaningful peace process, succeed in having Netanyahu saying the sentence that he accepts the two states in the 1967 borders," Erekat said. "We don't need new plans. We need commitment."

The gaps between Israel and the Palestinians are just one of many obstacles. The Palestinians are also deeply divided between Abbas' government in the West Bank, which favors a negotiated agreement with Israel, and the rival Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, which rejects peace with Israel. Hamas has controlled Gaza since expelling Abbas' forces in 2007.

Yehia Moussa, a senior Hamas official in Gaza, told the pro-Hamas "Felesteen" newspaper the Obama visit was meant to "cool down" the Palestinians "by giving empty promises that will assist with continuing the (Israeli) occupation."

Hani Masri, a prominent Palestinian commentator in the West Bank, said the visit might lead to some movement.

"Most likely we are going to see some life in the negotiations," perhaps a limited settlement freeze that forces Abbas to resume talks. "But such a process won't lead to a peaceful settlement."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-03-17-Palestinians-Obama/id-727de599b94e4bd4b81e7a68cb6e3af3

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Justin Bieber Dead, Reports Twitter User JoshuaDJ22

Justin Bieber Dead, Reports Twitter User JoshuaDJ22

NEW YORK, NY ? Canadian pop-star and school kid Justin Bieber was tragically killed today when a truck driver accidentally ran over the star in downtown New York, reports bored Twitter user @JoshuaDJ22.

In a 120-character post, @JoshuaDJ22 announced that Bieber ? singer of hits One Time, One Less Lonely Girl and Baby ? was killed shortly after leaving the Island Records office complex this afternoon.

?Awful news. Just heard that Justin Bieber is dead. Got run over by a truck just after recording a new single. Sad times.?, said the post.

Thousands of Bieber?s followers have expressed their deep disbelief at the revelation, with Juicy_Lucy48 insisting that ?this is all a bunch of bs. justins not dead,,, I know he aint. his twitter profile was updated 10 mins ago?, while a concerned MeganZZZ responded with: ?holy crap! Is Justin Bieber really dead??.

The tragic announcement comes just days after fellow bored Tweeter MazziBanter4 revealed that the 16-year-old Bieber had previously contracted AIDS from his mother and routinely ?took it up the ass from (R&B singer) Usher?.

Source: http://glossynews.com/entertainment/celebrity-gossip/201303170027/justin-bieber-dead-reports-twitter-user-joshuadj22/

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Military couple receive long-awaited dream wedding for free

Former Marine Sgt. Ryan Donnelly and his now-wife, Tina, were married at the Viana Hotel Saturday afternoon.

A military couple who waited several years and deployments to get married received their dream wedding tonight.

Former Marine Sgt. Ryan Donnelly and his now-wife, Tina, were married at the Viana Hotel Saturday afternoon. Donnelly served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan with the 2nd Infantry Division. The Purple Heart winner lost his right leg above the knee when his Humvee hit a...

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Source: http://www.news12.com/military-couple-receive-long-awaited-dream-wedding-for-free-1.4827783

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Lenovo bringing contactless payments to certain NFC-enabled ThinkPads in 2013

Lenovo bringing contactless payments to certain NFCenabled ThinkPads in 2013

Select ThinkPad owners may be making online purchases simply by tapping a compatible credit card to an embedded NFC reader before 2013 is through. Lenovo reps confirmed that the tech would be coming to a yet-to-be-announced array of NFC-enabled ThinkPad tablets or Ultrabooks sometime this year -- processing partnerships are still in the works, so we don't have any details to share there, but if all goes to plan, you could be submitting your card details securely and with ease very soon. The company shared the news during today's Expand conference in San Francisco, shortly after unveiling two new ThinkPad models, including the T431s Ultrabook. Lenovo hasn't confirmed whether that model will offer tap-to-pay support, too, but we certainly wouldn't rule it out. We've seen contactless payments in plenty of smartphones, of course, but widespread tablet and laptop implementation has yet to arrive.

Follow all of Engadget's Expand coverage live from San Francisco right here!

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/17/lenovo-thinkpad-contactless-payments/

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Apple Phones Most Reliable According to Survey reports How to Jailbreak iPhone 5s

(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 16, 2013 ) San Francisco, CA -- Those who are actively seeking a new phone and wonder about the reliability for the various brands, you are now in luck. FixYa, which is a volunteer technical assistance site, has taken it upon themselves to analyze 720,000 support requests to find out which phones are the most reliable. The team took the totals and found how many complaints have been levied with complaint-per-phone ratios.

According to the FixYa's complex methodology, iPhones were nearly three times more reliable than the second-place, which was held by Samsung. The iPhone scored a 3.47 on FixYas scale. Samsung scored a 1.21, with Nokia scoring a 0.68, and Motorola in last with 0.13 (higher is better).

The highest scoring phones were not without their troubles. Many complaints that were levied involved battery-life, with 35% regarding such issues. It is still too soon to know whether or not the battery-drain update that has been implemented has fixed such a problem. iPhone owners most enjoyed the simplicity of the gadget, and felt it was easy to guess just how to use the functions of the phone. Also noted was the general reliability of features such as phone, data, and text functions, which they liked along with the wide array of applications in the iTunes store.

Second-place SamSung had 40% of their complains regarding the microphone malfunctions, while 20% was over speaker problems. Owners of one specific model (Galaxy Nexus) had noted trouble with the battery life. Owners of the Samsung Galaxy S III cited battery life as one of the best features. All told, owners appeared to enjoy the quality of the screen resolution as well as the Android operating system's on-screen controls that were a pointed feature in the marketing campaign for Samsung.

Nokia saw a third of its complaints regarding response time of the phone, while 20% found the lack of applications that were available off-putting. Owners did enjoy the durability of the screen, and the performance of the touch screen.

For Motorola, 30% of complaints came regarding removal of unwanted pre-installed applications known as ?bloatware.? Nearly a quarter of complains were regarding the touch screen that would not unlock, while another 20% complained about speaker or camera quality. The top positive note was the battery life.

About How to Jailbreak iPhone 5s:
How to Jailbreak iPhone 5s (http://howtojailbreakiphone5s.com/) provides visitors with comprehensive information on how to free his/her apple device from the restrictions set by the Apple company. Free your iPhone today and start enjoying it the way you want to, today and try this method through this site now.

Source: http://www.emailwire.com/release/116466-Apple-Phones-Most-Reliable-According-to-Survey-reports-How-to-Jailbreak-iPhone-5s.html

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Insert Coin finalist: Snapzoom scope smartphone adapter hands-on

One of five finalists in our first-annual Insert Coin: New Challengers competition, the Snapzoom is an adapter that lets you connect a smartphone to a telescope or a pair of binoculars for some long-range snapshots. We gave you a brief look at the product earlier in our contest, but we went hands-on with the Snapzoom ahead of Engadget Expand -- with the San Francisco Bay serving as our test subject, no less.

The Snapzoom isn't the only product of its kind, but it stands out for being universal. Though we tested the adapter with an iPhone 5, it will work with virtually every smartphone, thanks to adjustable clamps. Connecting the handset (in its case) to a set of binoculars was seamless: we just attached the device via the self-centering clamps and tightened it into place. It's easy to get excited when the setup brings you up close and personal with Alcatraz, but Snapzoom basically assumes you have some stunning imagery to shoot. We'll have to wait and see how our elite panel of Insert Coin judges thinks this contestant stacks up. In the meantime, check out the video demo past the break.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/16/insert-coin-finalist-snapzoom-scope-smartphone-adapter-hands-on/

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Friday, March 15, 2013

PFT: Anschutz says Farmers Field not dead

Bud AdamsAP

Titans owner Bud Adams just turned 90 years old, and his goal must be to drop a million per year on free agents.

The Titans have been among the most aggressive players in free agency, a move Adams himself signed off on.

?We want the right players, that?s the main thing. We have to get the players we know can perform and make us look like we?re a tough team to play against again,? Adams told Jim Wyatt of the Tennessean. ?[General manager] Ruston [Webster] knows how I feel about this thing now. . . . He is getting the job done.

?There are certain guys we may have to pay a little more than they should maybe be getting, but I want to win. . . . We may have to pay some more money, but I?m in. I?m ready to go with it.?

Frankly, the fact that Adams admits to overspending is great.

?We needed to be aggressive. Mr. Adams gave his blessing and allowed us to be aggressive,? Webster said. ?But it was actually fun to set a plan and then just go do it. . . . And these were the guys we targeted.?

The Titans have spent $88.5 million on free agents, signing former Bills guard Andy Levitre (six years, $46.8 million) and former 49ers tight end Delanie Walker (four years, $17.5 million) on Tuesday, then coming back with former Lions defensive tackle Sammie Lee Hill (three years, $11.4 million), former Jets running back Shonn Greene (three years, $10 million) and former Colts linebacker Moise Fokou (two years, $2.8 million).

Adams joked that he hopes the money translates into playoff appearances.

?I may have a heart attack if we don?t,? he said. ?I just had my 90th birthday and somebody asked me, ?Adams, how long are you going to stay at this thing?? I said ?I?ve made it 90, so I might as well go to 100.? And I?d like to get in the playoffs and see some winning football over that stretch, too.

?I am excited. I feel pretty good about these guys we?ve got now. And we have the draft coming up, too. Things are looking up.?

Maybe, maybe not, but it?s still awesome to watch Adams take off the mittens and throw the cash around.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/03/15/anschutz-says-farmer-field-is-not-dead/related/

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Oh My Tech!: Video games aren?t just fun and games for Boy Scouts ? Salt Lake Tribune | Bowden Gaming 10 visitors online now
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Whale's streaming baleen tangles to trap food

Mar. 13, 2013 ? Diving and plunging through the waves to feed, some whales throw their jaws wide and engulf colossal mouthfuls of fish-laden water while other species simply coast along with their mouths agape (ram or skim feeding), yet both feeding styles rely on a remarkable substance in the whales' mouths to filter nutrition from the ocean: baleen. Alexander Werth from Hampden-Sydney College, USA, explains that no one knew how the hairy substance actually traps morsels of food.

'The standard view was that baleen is just a static material and people had never thought of it moving or that its function would be altered by the flow of water through the mouth', he says. Werth became fascinated with the substance during his postdoc days, when he worked with the Inupiat Eskimos of Barrow, Alaska, and decided to find out more about how the flexible material filters whale-sized mouthfuls of water. He publishes his discovery that baleen is a highly mobile material that tangles in flowing water to form the perfect net for trapping food particles at natural whale swimming speeds in The Journal of Experimental Biology.

Explaining that baleen is composed of keratin ? the same protein that makes hair and fingernails ? Werth also describes how the protein forms large continually growing plates, each with an internal fibrous core sandwiched between smooth outer plates. Whales usually carry 300 of these structures on each side of their mouths ? arranged perpendicular to the direction of water flowing into the mouth ? and Werth explains that the plates are continually worn away by the tongue to form bristly food-trapping fringes on the tongue-edge of each plate. In addition, the baleen fringes of the skim-feeding bowhead whale's bristles are twice as long as the lunging humpback's. Having obtained baleen samples from the body of a stranded humpback during graduate work at the New England Aquarium and collected samples from ram-feeding bowheads in Alaska, Werth began to compare how well the baleen trapped minute latex beads carried in flowing water.

First, he tested a small section of each type of baleen in a flow tank as he varied the flow speed from 10 to 120 cm/s and altered the inclination of the baleen to the water flow from parallel to perpendicular. Monitoring the fringes and recording how many beads became lodged for 2 s or more, Werth saw that the bristles trapped most beads at the lowest speeds, and as the flow increased the bristles began streaming like hair, increasing the fringe's porosity and reducing the number of snagged particles: single baleen plates are less effective filters at higher swimming speeds.

However, Werth says, 'It doesn't make sense to look at flow across a single plate of baleen, it's like looking at feeding with a single tooth; you can't chew anything with just one tooth, you need a whole mouthful.' So, he built a scaled down rack of six, 20 cm long baleen plate fragments and tested how well they trapped the latex beads.

This time, Werth could clearly see the fringes from adjacent baleen plates becoming tangled and more matted as the flow increased, trapping the most particles at speeds ranging from 70 to 80 cm/s, which corresponds exactly with the swimming speed of bowhead whales skimming through shoals of copepods. However, when he compared the porosity of the baleen of both species, he was surprised by the similarity of the performances, despite the whales' different feeding styles.

Having found that baleen filters best at the natural swimming speed of skim-feeding bowheads, Werth is keen to scale up and investigate how full-sized 4 m long baleen plates perform

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Journal of Experimental Biology. The original article was written by Kathryn Knight.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. A. J. Werth. Flow-dependent porosity and other biomechanical properties of mysticete baleen. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2013; 216 (7): 1152 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.078931

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/strange_science/~3/FitHjmqDREI/130313182138.htm

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Pet Obesity is Out of Control | Care2 Healthy Living

Pet obesity rates are on the rise, and cats are struggling the most, according to a new survey. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) survey found veterinarians deemed 52.5 percent of dogs and 58.3 percent of cats to be overweight or obese.

Given the fact that human obesity rates are so high, it?s not surprising that our pets are battling the same problem. They depend on us to provide them with a proper diet and enough exercise, but if we?re not making good decisions for ourselves, why would we for our pets?

If the survey, which included 121 vets, 1,485 dogs and 450 cats, is a fair representation of the total pet population, that comes to a whopping 80 million unhealthy dogs and cats in the US.

The human-pet health crisis parallels are striking in their similarities, particularly with regard to obesity-related diseases.

?Pet obesity remains the leading health threat to our nation?s pets,? says Dr. Ernie Ward, founder of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) and lead veterinarian for the survey. ?We continue to see an escalation in the number of overweight cats and an explosion in the number of type 2 diabetes cases.?

In order to remedy a problem, you have to realize there is a problem in the first place. One of the main reasons for pet obesity is that owners don?t realize their cat or dog is actually struggling with their weight.

?In this survey, approximately 45 percent of cat and dog owners assessed their pet as having a normal body weight when the veterinarian assessed the pet to be overweight,? says Dr. Joe Bartges, veterinary nutritionist and internal medicine specialist at the University of Tennessee?s College of Veterinary Medicine.

Some breeds stood out as having a higher risk for obesity: the veterinarians in the survey classified 58.9 percent of Labrador retrievers and 62.7 percent of golden retrievers as overweight or obese. The fittest pure breed dog in the survey? German shepherds, with just of 2.1 percent classified as obese or overweight.


Weight Loss Tips for Dogs

Holly the Cat Takes to the Pool to Lose Weight

5 Pet Health Myths

Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/pet-obesity-is-out-of-control.html

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PM urges filmmakers to portray social problems

Print Edition

Front Page

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Author / Source: BSS

DHAKA, Mar 13: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today urged filmmakers to portray social problems in their movies alongside the country's rich history, tradition, culture and the great Liberation War. "I hope, you would ensure that the viewers after watching a film could return home with some messages and lessons which they could apply in their homes and society," she said. Mentioning the filmmakers as creative and popular figures, the Prime Minister also said: "Your obligation to society and the people is more than others as the people follow you."
She said this while distributing the National Film Awards 2011 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) here this afternoon.
With Information Minister Hasanul Hoque Inu in the chair, the gala function was also addressed by Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Information Ministry AKM Rahmatullah and Information Secretary Hedayetullah Al Mamun.
Sheikh Hasina called upon the filmmakers to come forward to make child films by giving more importance to the children.
She said the films could rouse good and bad things, a fine sense of just and unjust aspects, a dream of beautiful tomorrow and new hopes in the minds of the children.
?Let films be an attractive mass medium for the children with sound, colour, story, song and picture ? I expect this,? she said.
Terming films as one of the main medium of entertainment, the Prime Minister said this mass medium has a power to influence the people deeply. So, the films are a strong weapon for practising knowledge, building nation and progressive society and expansion of education, she said.
Sheikh Hasina said her government is very much sincere in protecting and developing the film industry.
?I hope that the filmmakers would be more devoted to flourishing the film industry by exploiting this opportunity,? she said.
The Prime Minister said whenever Awami League came to power, the country witnessed expansion of art and culture and the pace of film industry gained momentum alongside overall development.
?We have announced the films and their related activities as an industry, while April 3 has been declared as the National Film Day to make the people interested in the film issue,? she said.
Sheikh Hasina said the amount and number of grants for making full-length movies have been increased.
The Prime Minister said her government is providing grants for the first time for making short films. Tax rebate has been given for setting up cineplex, while 35 percent supplementary tax has been withdrawn for screening films in cinemas, she said.
She said the Film Society Registration Act has been made time-befitting to promote making and screening of healthy films. Sheikh Hasina said a Taka 60 crore project has been undertaken for modernization of the Film Development Corporation (FDC), while most modern digital technologies have been introduced for making and preservation of films.
She said Bangabandhu Film City is being set up at Kabirpur and the government is working for framing a national film policy. The Prime Minister said the work on construction of a most modern film archive has begun and the digital films have been brought under censorship.
?We have taken steps to start certification system for introduction of modern system in censorship.
The government has taken stringent measures to check making and screening of vulgar films and video piracy,? she said.
She said a film and television institute is being set up to give the film and TV industry as an institutional shape.
Sheikh Hasina said the government is encouraging film education. As a result, she said, a number of institutions have been established for film education, while film department has been introduced at Dhaka University and other private universities.
She said many youths who took higher education in film are directly working in TV channels side by side with different branches of the film industry. ?Overall, the country?s film industry is advancing,? she said.
The Prime Minister said a healthy trend has returned to the film industry due to these government steps. Quality films like Monpura, Chandragrohan, and Gahine Shabdo are being made and the viewers are rushing to cinemas again, she said.?Our films are taking part in different international competitions and festivals and getting awards and honours,? she said.
Sheikh Hasina mentioned that the widely acclaimed film ?Guerilla? has helped to wake up the spirit and values of the Liberation War.
The Prime Minister expressed the hope that the national film award would inspire the creative, talented and patriotic filmmakers in making more healthy films. She said Bangladesh is now a role model on the world stage as there are many achievements of the country.
Sheikh Hasina urged the filmmakers to project the hopes and aspirations, true and beautiful picture of life and immortal story of traditional Bangla.
?We have won the sea, defeated poverty and conquered the Everest and we would become the world best in the film one day Insha Allah,? she said.
Later, the Prime Minister handed over the National Film? Award 2011 to 25 artistes, technicians and the Department of Films and Publications (DFP) in 24 categories.
Full list of National Film Award-2011 Lifetime Achievement: Abdur Razzak
Best Actor: Ferdous Ahmed (Kusum Kusum Prem) Best Actress: Joya Ahsan (Guerrilla) Best Supporting Actor: MA Alamgir
Best Supporting Actress: Farida Akhter Bobita (Key Apon Key Por) Best Documentary Film: ?Al-Badar? produced by Fokhrul Arefin and? ?Lokonayak Kangal Harinath? produced by Department of Films and Publications
Best Music Director: Habib Wahid (Projapoti)
Best Villain Character: Shotabdi Wadud (Guerrilla) and Misha Saodagor? (Boss Number One)
Best Child Character: Shamonti (Khando Galpo-1971)
Best Story Writer: Dr Muhammad Zafar Iqbal (Amar Bondhu Rashed)
Best Play Writer: Nasiruuddin Yusuf and Ebadur Rahman (Guerrilla)
Best Dialogue Writer: Nasiruddin Yusuf and Ebadur Rahman (Guerrilla)
Best Singer (male): Kumar Biswajit (Ma Amar Chokher Moni)
Best Singer (female): Nazmun Munira Nancy (Projapoti)
Best Lyricist : Shafiq Tuhin (Projapoti)
Best Music Composer: Imon Saha (Kusum Kusum Prem)
Best Cameraman: L Apu Rojario (Amar Bondhu Rashed)
Best Recording: Ratan Pal (Amar Bondhu Rashed)
Best Editor: Samir Ahmed (Guerrilla)
Best Art Director: Animesh Aich (Guerrilla)
Best Makeup Man: Mohammad Ali Babul (Guerrilla)
Best Costume Designer: Shimul Yusuf (Guerrilla).


Source: http://www.theindependentbd.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=159909:pm-urges-filmmakers-to-portray-social-problems&catid=129:frontpage&Itemid=121

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