Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sage Solutions, LLC Lauches New Website Dedicated to Helping ...

Sage Solutions, LLC is proud to announce the launch of a new website today dedicated to helping older adults improve their quality of life. Kathryn Freda established Sage Solutions in 2002 by specializing in Eldercare Consulting, Family Conversations, Wellness Workshops and Wellness Assessments designed to offer better life strategies for her clients.

Family Conversations ImageIn many cases, a facilitated Family Conversation can serve as a starting point for improved communication between older adults and their family members. Kathryn recently helped Anne, an energetic 79 year-old, who was barely on speaking terms with her son, James. The discord was taking a toll on Anne, who was had her hands full as primary caregiver for her husband, a role she assumed over ten years ago. They lived in the family home and Anne was able to provide all of the care that he needed there ? although she realized she would need to bring in additional help to keep up with his care, and she hoped that her son would be supportive.

James mistakenly felt that his parents needed to move to an assisted living facility where his father could get better care. He believed that his mother was stubbornly insisting that they remain in the home when his father clearly needed to be in a setting where professional assistance was available. She asserted (correctly) that his father?s physical ailments would disqualify him for an assisted living facility and it would be unaffordable ? excuses he did not think were plausible.

In order to find the help she needed to get skilled help and improve her relationship with James, Anne enlisted the help of Kathryn Freda, Eldercare Consultant and owner of Sage Solutions, LLC. Kathryn recommended that she facilitate a Family Conversation during which Anne and James could develop feasible strategies that would enable Anne and her husband to remain in their home. The Family Conversation included mother and son, a close family friend, a social worker and an in-home care provider.

Kathryn led the meeting and ensured that everyone had a chance to present his or her ideas to the group. By the end of the meeting, Anne had very clear action steps to take to remain in her home and provide proper care to her husband. James?s attitude toward his mother and her goals was completely changed as well. He agreed with the plan and thanked Kathryn for her help.

Anne was thrilled with the outcome of the Family Conversation. ?James didn?t have any faith in me or my ability to know what was best. He wouldn?t listen to me at all. We were at a stalemate. After Kathy led the meeting, my son was a different person. He trusts me now. I cannot thank Kathy enough for breaking through to him and helping us execute a plan that really works,? she said.

Kathryn Freda has been helping older adults and their families improve their lifestyle by optimizing the services and options available to them for over 17 years. This experience, coupled with a master?s degree in human development and gerontology provides her with the expertise and experience to work with her clients. Whether they are looking for a roadmap to achieve their life goals, or need help figuring out what the road ahead will look like, Freda can help them to get there. To learn more about Kathryn Freda and Sage Solutions, please visit us @


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