Saturday, October 6, 2012

What Happiness Is And Its Origin | Life Coach, Business - Career ...

Happiness has its origin stemming from two notions. One fact is that our happiness emerges from things that are outside us. External sources like wealth have been seen to provide happiness. However, happiness is not viewed as an emotion but it is viewed as a state of being. The other perception is that happiness starts with us on our inside. Our happiness is promoted by how we view things around us and our feelings about life. There is this idea that when one is unhappy inside within self then it?s not possible for him/her to be happy with something else. How true is this?

Some philosophical and religious thinkers have a view of happiness as a state of which results from having what is regarded as a ?good life.? The essence of happiness can confidently be described as what someone perceives as a good life. Individuals that have this view of happiness have a tendency of seeing happiness as a state where by folks do well and experience things in abundance. Other philosophical and religious thinkers however have a feeling that an internal state of being is where happiness originates from. They view that if happiness doesn?t come first from our psyche, then it can?t be manifested for us in the world.

Presently psychological therapists have come up with theories that happiness has its basis on the state of mind of an individual. When our mind is thinking positively, and we are functioning in the same manner we tend to be happy in our lives. On the contrast they also have a belief that if one has a negative in mindset and does not function at his best he won?t have happiness in his life. Our chemical biological reactions in the body are perceived by scientists to be the reason happiness manifests in us. They induce the state of happiness.

What?s the definition of happiness? Where does it is originate from? According to Cambridge happiness is, ?the feeling of being happy.? And being happy is ?feeling, showing or causing pleasure or satisfaction.? Pin-pointing the exact origin of happiness is very difficult since happiness is relative to each person.

According to their perspective, there exist some general features of happiness which have a universal nature with no regard for the fact people have a different background. Every person accepts that positive feelings bring us happiness.

A purposeful life, relationships and pleasure are the characteristics which everyone in the world undisputedly agrees to be a factor of happiness. This has the meaning that withstanding the social and cultural definition of pleasure everybody needs some form pleasure in order to have happiness. Regarding relationships, folks are naturally social creatures that need other people?s relationships and contact to flourish. Moreover for folks to feel worthwhile ought to feel that their life has some worth and is by the standards of their society meaningful. Therefore the three ingredients describe the origin of happiness in us.

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