Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What is The Big Mac Index?

by Jason Jenkins, Investment U Research
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

?Fun? and ?a loose gauge? are just some of the descriptions given to The
Economist?s Big Mac Index.

However, since its invention in 1986, you can see on the internet that a whole cottage industry has sprung up from this concept. At first, it was to find that ideal arbitrage trade.

But investors should take the Big Mac Index for what it was intended to be ? a talking point.

Currency Trading 101

Here?s a little economic talk for you so you can an idea of what?s going on. The perfect arbitrage trade is the synchronized buy and sell of an asset so you can make some money from the difference in price. What you are attempting to do is take advantage of price differences in similar investment vehicles. Arbitrage comes about due to market inefficiencies. It helps makes sure that there aren?t large price variations for fair value over the long term.

Now enter technology.

As advanced and fast as trading systems are now, its hard to take advantage of mispriced assets. A lot of traders have systems to check on currency fluctuations. But if they do occur, it?s usually gone within moments. Given the advancement in technology it has become extremely difficult to profit from mispricing in the market.

So the purpose of the Big Mac Index was to gauge the percentage of overvaluation and/or undervaluation between two currencies in two different countries by using the price of an actual Big Mac. Why a Big Mac? You have to love the world?s appetite for fast food. Big Macs are sold in nearly 120 countries becoming a standard consumer good. Then, take the U.S. dollar through the Federal Reserve?s trade-weighted average and use that as your base. Now you can use the formula of purchasing power parity to determine if currencies are over or undervalued.

So What is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)?

Please bare with me. Only a little more of all this academic economic currency talk.

Think of PPP as a simple equation. Let?s look at it step by step:

  • First of all find the price of a Big Mac in the country you are attempting to value in its local currency.
  • Next, find the price of a Big Mac in U.S. dollars.
  • PPP is the price of the Big Mac in the initial country divided by the price of a Big Mac in U.S. dollars.

If you take this number and divide it by the Federal Reserve?s trade-weighted average, you get the exchange rate. In essence, the exchange rate gives you the percentage of under- or overvaluation of a currency. The exchange rate adjusts so that the same good in two different countries will be the same price when put in the same currency.

As we all know, just because its in a book or taught in a classroom, it doesn?t mean that it will happen in real life. Research shows that in the short-term you?ll never reach a parity because of an insufficient time duration. Over the long-term, parity may never be reached because of things like Central Banks purposefully undervaluing their currency. Think of China. Its an export dependent nation and undervaluing the currency also allows them to earn more in foreign reserves.

With more emerging markets increasing prominence on the world scene, you?ll see more of this so they may be more competitive in the world market.

And there are so many other differences that go into prices

If only it was this simple to figure out what?s going on in different currencies. And that?s why the Big Mac Index is always talked about in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Look at all the different factors that could go into pricing that would differ from country to country:

  • The trade-weighted average can remain constant over a long period of time. The prices of a Big Mac are market driven. If this is the case, then the Index becomes severely flawed.
  • The prices of Big Macs may fluctuate throughout individual countries.
  • Different taxation systems could affect how the same product is priced. This would especially be the case in countries that have implemented value-added taxation systems.
  • Inflation varies between countries.
  • Different countries will pay different costs for goods and commodities. This will skew the Index.
  • The price of labor and possible trade restrictions between countries will also skew the Big Mac Index over the long-term.
  • Cultural or religious reasons will affect how Big Macs are received in different countries. Along those lines, there may be sharp differences in countries dependent upon its make-up of rural and urban areas.
  • And finally, we could discuss countries experiencing financial crisis or in the midst of military conflict.

So What Can We Take Out of The Big Mac Index?

Well, a hamburger may be able to tell you a little about the global economy. Better yet, it?s a way to look at similar countries with similar economies.

I just mentioned all the differences that can affect the Index. Yet it may tell you some things if you compare countries with similar make-up and development.

It can be a means to gauge changes in worker wages/productivity globally and to see if currencies are where they should be.

Ryan Avent, chief economist at The Economist, explains how they use it:

?When you look at a country like India or Mexico, labor there is much cheaper than it is in the U.S. or in Europe. And that really has to do with productivity differences?so one thing we?re measuring is productivity gaps between different countries and how far along these places are in terms of development and growth with the richest countries.?

And in turn, you could measure the difference between Big Macs in the U.S. and Switzerland. An inflated price for Big Macs in Switzerland may indicate that the franc is overvalued and will need to adjust.

But above all remember, this was created in fun and is still used in that manner by The Economist. But there is some value in being able to identify issues that could be explained with more due diligence in the currency world.

Good Investing,


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New type of gene that regulates tumor suppressor PTEN identified

Monday, February 25, 2013

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified a new so-called pseudogene that regulates the tumour-suppressing PTEN gene. They hope that this pseudogene will be able to control PTEN to reverse the tumour process, make the cancer tumour more sensitive to chemotherapy and to prevent the development of resistance. The findings, which are published in the scientific journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, can be of significance in the future development of cancer drugs.

The development of tumours coincides with the activation of several cancer genes as well as the inactivation of other tumour-suppressing genes owing to damage to the DNA and to the fact that the cancer cells manage to switch off the transcription of tumour-suppressor genes. To identify what might be regulating this silencing, the researchers studied PTEN, one of the most commonly inactivated tumour-suppressor genes. It has long been believed that the switching-off process is irreversible, but the team has now shown that silenced PTEN genes in tumour cells can be 'rescued' and re-activated by a 'pseudogene', a type of gene that, unlike normal genes, does not encode an entire protein.

"We identified a new non-protein encoding pseudogene, which determines whether the expression of PTEN is to be switched on or off," says research team member Per Johnsson, doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet's Department of Oncology-Pathology. "What makes this case spectacular is that the gene only produces RNA, the protein's template. It is this RNA that, through a sequence of mechanisms, regulates PTEN. Pseudogenes have been known about for many years, but it was thought that they were only junk material."

No less than 98 per cent of human DNA consists of non-protein encoding genes (i.e. pseudogenes), and by studying these formerly neglected genes the researchers have begun to understand that they are very important and can have an effect without encoding proteins. Using model systems, the team has shown that the new pseudogene can control the expression of PTEN and make tumours more responsive to conventional chemotherapy.

"This means that we might one day be able to re-programme cancer cells to proliferate less, become more normal, and that resistance to chemotherapy can hopefully be avoided," says Per Johnsson. "We also believe that our findings can be very important for the future development of cancer drugs. What we're seeing here is just the tip of the iceberg. The human genome conceals no less than 15,000 or so pseudogenes, and it's not unreasonable to think that many of them are relevant to diseases such as cancer."


'A pseudogene long noncoding RNA network regulates PTEN transcription and translation in human cells', Per Johnsson, Amanda Ackley, Linda Vidarsdottir, Weng-Onn Lui, Martin Corcoran, Dan Grand?r och Kevin V. Morris, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, AOP 24 February 2013, doi: 10.1038/nsmb.2516.

Karolinska Institutet:

Thanks to Karolinska Institutet for this article.

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Self Help Tips For Self Improvement When Your Feeling Down ...

TIP! Keep tabs on your progress by becoming more organized. Try to achieve your goals in increments, thereby achieving them quickly.

Beginning your quest to develop yourself can sometimes be difficult. There are many aspects you have to consider when developing a self-improvement plan. It ranges from eating healthier to being friendlier to other people. There are a variety of approaches self improvement to help you improve your life. Success in personal development leads to a more rewarding life, and others are sure to notice the new you.

TIP! They say that speaking and listening are equally important. This is very true for personal development skills.

Make your goals specific; this way, they can lead to self improvement success. If you set goals that are clearly laid out, you will improve your chances of meeting or surpassing them. By meeting challenges, experiencing success will shortly follow.

TIP! If you experience anxiety in social situations, ask a friend to join you at the movie theater. When you do, you are entering a social, public environment, but the actual amount of socializing you will have to do is fairly small.

Seek out other like-minded individuals. When you have others around you who think and feel as you do, then you can avoid the negativity that can emerge from those who do not support your endeavors.

TIP! Demonstrating selfless behavior shows remarkable progress in any personal development program. Knowing what it means to care for and help others, by making the sacrifices within yourself, can greatly benefit your inner character.

By becoming more healthy inside and out, you will be setting yourself up for success. Facing the challenges of improving your life is easier if you go into it with an open mind and a healthy body. When you radiate health you are feeling strong and mentally alert. You will spend less time on health issues and more time enjoying your life. It should be a priority to become more healthy.

TIP! Dealing with situations rationally is a skill that you can learn from others or teach yourself. Learning ways to maintain your composure when stressed will help boost your self-esteem, and help you triumph under any circumstance.

Unless you are willing to work towards your personal goals, you will never be able to grow as a person. We need to choose the change if we expect to really grow.

Start giving other people compliments. If you treat other people with kindness, you will be more likely to treat yourself with kindness too.

TIP! Sexual capitol is a new trait researchers have just discovered, and they feel it is important to have. This is about gaining confidence about your looks, not about using your body as a tool.

Many people often have goals that are too broad, when they are trying to grow through personal development. Make your goal specific. Goals that are specifically defined will lead to targeted results.

TIP! When you are angry, count to ten before saying anything. Visualize a peaceful, safe situation while you breathe deeply.

Good leaders have firm rules, but are also honest. You should lecture, but do it softly, and keep in mind that you have to know servitude to be able to lead. Being virtuous and having integrity is part of being a leader, too, and few people will follow a leader that does not display these traits.

TIP! Do some reading on personal development. Take the time to read a few books to find new ideas and tips you had not thought of.

A better diet can help you get rid of depression; try eating more complex carbohydrates. A diet that is deficient in complex carbohydrates can lead to low serotonin levels. If you increase the amount of fresh fruits and veggies you eat and also add more nuts and whole grains to your diet, you will meet your goal.

TIP! If you?re never able to meet the goals you set, consider whether those goals aren?t right for you and your situation. Look for stories of other people who have successfully achieved goals similar to your own, then compare your approaches.

A wide range of resources are available to help you make a plan for self improvement now. You can always find new ways to improve yourself as a person, keep that in mind. There?s always room for improvement, no matter what age you are. Self improvement can be a happy lifetime pursuit.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Iceland's plan to ban Internet porn sparks uproar

(AP) ? In the age of instant information, globe-spanning viral videos and the World Wide Web, can a thoroughly wired country become a porn-free zone? Authorities in Iceland want to find out.

The government of the tiny North Atlantic nation is drafting plans to ban pornography, in print and online, in an attempt to protect children from a tide of violent sexual imagery.

The proposal by Interior Minister Ogmundur Jonasson has caused an uproar. Opponents say the move will censor the Web, encourage authoritarian regimes and undermine Iceland's reputation as a Scandinavian bastion of free speech.

Advocates say it is a sensible measure that will shelter children from serious harm.

"When a 12-year-old types 'porn' into Google, he or she is not going to find photos of naked women out on a country field, but very hardcore and brutal violence," said Halla Gunnarsdottir, political adviser to the interior minister.

"There are laws in our society. Why should they not apply to the Internet?"

Gunnarsdottir says the proposals currently being drawn up by a committee of experts will not introduce new restrictions, but simply uphold an existing if vaguely worded law.

Pornography is already banned in Iceland, and has been for decades ? but the term is not defined, so the law is not enforced. Magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse are on sale in book stores, and more hardcore material can be bought from a handful of sex shops. "Adult" channels form part of digital TV packages.

Iceland's left-of-center government insists it is not setting out to sweep away racy magazines or censor sex. The ban would define pornography as material with violent or degrading content.

Gunnarsdottir said the committee is still exploring the details of how a porn ban could be enforced. One possibility would be to make it illegal to pay for porn with Icelandic credit cards. Another, more controversial, route would be a national Internet filter or a list of website addresses to be blocked.

That idea has Internet-freedom advocates alarmed.

"This kind of thing does not work. It is technically impossible to do in a way that has the intended effect," said Smari McCarthy of free-speech group the International Modern Media Institute. "And it has negative side effects ? everything from slowing down the Internet to blocking content that is not meant to be blocked to just generally opening up a whole can of worms regarding human rights issues, access to information and freedom of expression."

Despite its often chaotic appearance, the Internet is not a wholly lawless place. It is regulated, to varying degrees, around the world. Police monitor the net for child pornography and other illegal material, and service providers in many countries block offending sites.

Some governments also censor the Internet at a national level ? though the likes of authoritarian Iran, North Korea and China are not countries liberal Iceland wants to emulate.

European countries including Britain, Sweden and Denmark ask Internet service providers to block child pornography websites, measures that have met with only limited opposition.

But broader filtering has mostly been resisted. A few years ago, Australia announced it would introduce an Internet filtering system to block websites containing material including child pornography, bestiality, sexual violence and terrorist content. After an outcry, the government abandoned the plan last year.

Critics say such filters are flawed and often scoop up innocent sites in their net ? as when Denmark's child pornography filter briefly blocked access to Google and Facebook last year because of a glitch.

On the streets of Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, there was some support for a porn ban, but also skepticism about how it would work.

"I think this is a good idea, but I think it might be problematic to implement this," said shop assistant Ragnheidur Arnarsdottir. "It is difficult to fight technology."

Iceland's moves are being closely watched. It may be a tiny country of only 320,000 people, but its economic and social experiments ? like its active volcanos ? often have international impact.

For centuries economically dependent on fishing, Iceland transformed itself in the early 21st century into a pioneer of aggressive credit-driven banking. Then in 2008, the country's debt-burdened banks all collapsed, making Iceland the first and most dramatic casualty of the global financial crisis, and leaving a string of failed businesses around the world.

The economy is now bouncing back, aided by Iceland's status as one of the world's best connected countries, with one of the highest levels of Internet use on the planet. Recent initiatives to boost growth include plans to make Iceland a global center of media and technology freedom ? a status that advocates like McCarthy fear could be threatened by an online porn ban.

Anti-porn activists, however, are hailing Iceland as a pioneer. It is certainly not afraid to go its own way. Although the country has largely liberal Scandinavian values, it broke with most of Europe in 2010 by banning strip clubs.

"This is a country with courage," said Gail Dines, a professor of sociology and women's studies at Wheelock College in Boston and author of the book "Pornland."

"Iceland is going to be the first country with the guts to stand up to these predatory bullies from L.A. (in the porn industry)," she said. "It is going to take one country to show that this is possible."

But opponents say the project is both misguided and doomed.

"I can say with absolute certainty that this will not happen, this state filter," said Icelandic parliamentarian Birgitta Jonsdottir, a prominent advocate of online freedom.

She is confident those drafting the anti-porn measures will see the error of their ways. They may also run out of time ? Iceland is due to hold parliamentary elections in April, and the unpopular coalition government could be thrown out.

Jonsdottir said the key to protecting children and others from hardcore harm is for citizens to better inform themselves about the Internet and how it works.

"People just have to make themselves a bit more knowledgeable about what their kids are up to, and face reality," she said.

Gunnarsdottir, the political adviser backing the ban, just hopes the emotional debate around the issue will cool down.

"I think we should be able to discuss the Internet with more depth, without just shouting censorship on the one hand and laissez-faire on the other hand," she said.

"Is it freedom of speech to be able to reach children with very hardcore, brutal material? Is that the freedom of speech we want to protect?"


Lawless reported from London. Jill Lawless can be reached at

Associated Press


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Rhys Duch has 10-point game to lead Washington past Calgary 16-14

EVERETT, Wash. - Rhys Duch had three goals and seven assists as the Washington Stealth held off the Calgary Roughnecks 16-14 in National Lacrosse League play Saturday.

Athan Iannuci scored four goals with three assists for Washinton (5-4), and Lewis Ratcliff also had seven points with a goal and six helpers.

Brett Bucktooth and Cliff Smith each scored twice, while Justin Salt, Mitch McMichael, Dean Hill and Tyler Garrison added singles.

Roughnecks forwards Jeff Shattler and Curtis Dickson each had a hat trick while Dane Dobbie and Shawn Evans scored twice in the loss. Joe Resetarits, Geoff Snider, Daryl Veltman and Matthew Dinsdale had one apiece.

The Stealth led 7-5 at halftime and held a 12-6 lead going into the fourth quarter. But the Roughnecks scored seven of the next eight goals to tie the game at 13 with just over six minutes remaining.

Washington then responded with a three-goal scoring run to seal the win.

Stealth goalie Tyler Richards made 44 saves on 53 shots, but served a five-minute penalty late in the fourth which allowed the Roughnecks to score five goals on 11 shots on backup Nick Patterson. Calgary netminder Mike Poulin finished with just 33 saves on 46 shots.

The game featured two of the top faceoff specialists in the league in Calgary's Geoff Snider and Washington's Bob Snider. The brothers went head-to-head on the draw and older brother Geoff went 25 for 33 while Bob went just 7 for 28.

? Copyright 2013


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

[News] The Hip Hop Week In Review: Lil Wayne Blasts Miami Heat, Wale Confronts Sports Commentator

Lil Wayne went on a rant slandering Miami Heat, while Wale confronted a sports commentator. Tupac's videographer discusses Suge Knight's alleged bullet wound.

This week featured some basketball-related confrontations. Lil Wayne took the mic at NBA All-Star Weekend, going on a rant about how he hated Miami Heat, slandering a few players on the team. He also made the flammable comment that he "fucked Chris Bosh's wife," ending his tirade with a bang. Meanwhile, Wale got heated after a sports commentator poked fun at him during a game, prompting the Maybach Music Group rapper to confront the broadcaster in a tirade caught on tape. Finally, Tupac's videographer Gobi M. Rahimi spoke on Suge Knight's claims that he was shot in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on the rapper's life, refuting that he has a bullet lodged in his skull.

Lil Wayne Rants Against Miami Heat, Says He "Fucked Chris Bosh's Wife"

Lil Wayne is not afraid to speak his mind. Last weekend, Weezy took the mic at an event during NBA All-Star Weekend, claiming that he was the "new 'Pac" and?trashing Miami Heat. "Fuck all them niggas. Fuck?LeBron James. Fuck [Dwyane] Wayde. Fuck Chris Bosh, all them niggas," he said, closing with a sharp zinger. "And, and, and, and I fucked Chris Bosh's wife." Wayne, who was reportedly banned from NBA games (a claim later denied), clarified his comments during an interview later in the week, stating that he didn't mean to include LeBron James in the rant but that he stuck by everything else. His tirade incited strong responses from Miami, Florida figures including Luther "Uncle Luke" Campbell and Trick Daddy, each of whom took offense to the YMCMB chief's comments. Watch the rant below.

Wale Confronts Sports Commentator For Making Fun Of Him

Somewhat similar to Lil Wayne, Wale isn't shy when it comes to going after anyone that's done him wrong. This week, Wale attended a Washington Wizards game where he heckled Toronto Raptors? Rudy Gay from the sidelines. A sports commentator addressed the situation, putting the Maybach Music Group rapper down. "A fan heckling him and supposedly, this fan is a well-known local rapper. Wall-ay. Locally, here," he said. "Wale is inspiring. I'm sure somebody on Twitter could tell me if they exactly had ever heard of Wale. He's not Drake, that's for sure." A clip was released the next morning showing Wale confronting the broadcaster, an incident he later addressed. "I was going over there to be like, 'Yo, my man, you gotta have a little respect, you're in my town," he said. "I know you're trying to do your job, and I ain't trying to disrespect you.' Whatever, but timing is everything, I could've waited. I can take that [criticism]." Watch the incident below.

Tupac Videographer Gobi M. Rahimi Denies Suge Knight Claim Of Being Shot

Gobi M. Rahimi, who served as Tupac's videographer in the last few months of his life, set the record straight on a few claims made by Pac's associates. During an exclusive interview with HipHopDX, Rahimi denied Suge Knight's claim that he got shot and that a bullet was lodged in his skull in the aftermath of Tupac's shooting, stating that he overheard Knight's mother saying that he was "fine" and that her son was hit with either flying glass or a piece of shrapnel. The director of some of Tupac's music videos recalled the last days of Tupac's life in the hospital following the assassination attempt, and is currently raising funds for his film 7 Dayz that documents the rapper's last moments of life. Read the interview here.

Other items of note:

- Meek Mill Talks Possibility Of Rick Ross & 50 Cent Ending Beef

- KOTD's CEO Organik On Drake's Support, Math Hoffa Vs. Pat Stay & Dizaster Vs. Arcane

- DMX's Wife Criticizes 50 Cent Over Cancellation Of "Starter Wives Confidential"

- Wiz Khalifa & Amber Rose Give Birth To Baby Boy Sebastian Taylor Thomaz

- Joey Bada$$ Announces Beast Coast Tour Dates


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

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Weston boys basketball coach in controversial exit

The Weston boys basketball team is set to take on Bethel Saturday afternoon in the SWC quarterfinals at Masuk.

However, the Trojans will do so without Mike Hvizdo, the second-year coach who resigned on Feb. 6 amid controversy over his participation in a short film from 2003 which was posted online and sent to school administrators.

Weston High administration said, "Forbidden Fruit," the nine-minute black-and-white film while not "illegal," was inappropriate and compromised his position as head coach of the Trojans in a letter mailed to parents on Feb. 10.

The Internet Movie Database lists minimal information on "Forbidden Fruit," aside from listing it as a comedy as well as naming Hvizdo in the credits.

"This film is vulgar, contains offensive sexual language, and depicts sexual acts among multiple partners in which Mr. Hvizdo is a participant," the letter said. "Unfortunately, material posted on the Internet takes on a life of its own, and there is no way to guarantee that this video will not be viewed by our entire community and most importantly, by our student athletes, now and into the future."

Weston athletic director Mark Berkowitz said he was unsure who sent the email, which contained a link to the video, but that it was viewed by school principal Lisa R. Wolak.

School officials met quickly after watching the video. They then spoke with Hvizdo, who promptly resigned citing "personal reasons," as first reported by the Weston Forum earlier this month.

"The administration had to make a decision that was best for all parties involved," Berkowitz said. "It's just an unfortunate situation and an unfortunate event. In the world of education, our leaders are held to higher standards than other walks of life."

Hvizdo plans to release a statement through his lawyer early next week in attempt to get his side of the story out to the community.

"All I want to do right now is clear my name and let everyone know the truth," Hvizdo said when reached Friday afternoon. "I just want everybody to hear it from the horse's mouth. I need to clear my name."

Hvizdo graduated from Bunnell in 1991 and played a post-graduate season at Milford Academy. He then played at Sacred Heart University, graduating in 1997.

Weston was his first head coaching position when he accepted the job in 2011. Prior to taking the Weston job, Hvizdo spent two seasons as an assistant at Wilton.

"I definitely want to coach in the future," Hvizdo said.

Jamaal Gibbs has coached Weston since Hvizdo's resignation. The Trojans finished the regular season 10-10, 7-9 under Hvizdo, whose two-year record at the school was 20-19.

Weston also held a parents forum to discuss the issue, but the administration says the decision to accept Hvizdo's resignation is final.

"The one thing I will say, as shocked and distraught as I've been, the support from people reaching out to me has been amazing," Hvizdo said. "I'm not asking anybody to do anything. People are outraged. People know the truth. The support has been phenomenal, not just from Weston. Anyone who's gotten a whiff of this story has reached out to me."; @CTPostCardillo


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If you've never experienced serious hail—we're talking golf-ball-sized chunks of ice (or larger) raining down on you—consider yourself lucky. It can do serious damage to your property, your home, and unless it's wrapped in this gigantic external airbag, your car. More »


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Japan PM Abe heads for Obama talks

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is heading to the US for talks to fortify a key security alliance between the two nations.

Mr Abe, who was elected in December, meets US President Barack Obama on Friday in Washington.

Both tensions with Beijing over a territorial dispute and North Korea's recent nuclear test are expected to top the agenda.

Economic ties, including an Asian trade deal, will also be discussed.

Mr Abe is the fifth Japanese prime minister that Mr Obama has met in office. Mr Abe is serving as Japan's top leader for a second time, after a brief period in power in 2006-7.

His visit is seen as a bid to shore up a security alliance between the two countries that goes back decades.

Ties were strained somewhat under the previous Democratic Party (DPJ) administration amid a row over the relocation of a US military base in Okinawa.

But Mr Abe, who heads a Liberal Democratic Party administration, has spoken out about the need to prioritise the Japan-US alliance amid a changing regional dynamic.


Ahead of his visit Mr Abe gave an interview to the Washington Post newspaper, saying that improved ties with Washington were top of his agenda.

On the bitter row with China over disputed islands in the East China Sea, he said US support was key.

"It is important for us to have them recognise that it is impossible to try to get their way by coercion or intimidation," Mr Abe said, referring to China.

"In that regard, the Japan-US alliance, as well as the US presence, would be critical."

Both Beijing and Tokyo have ships in waters around the islands - known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China - leading to fears of a clash. Japan controls the islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan.

The US has urged restraint from both sides, while Chinese state media has warned the US against taking sides in the dispute.

On North Korea, both sides back action against Pyongyang in the UN Security Council in the wake of its third nuclear test, on 12 February.

Economic ties are also expected to be on the agenda for the meeting.

The two leaders are expected to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposal for a free-trade agreement between countries in North America, Asia and South America.

Japan has discussed becoming part of the TPP over the years. But this has been met with opposition from farmers, who say that tariff removals will have an a negative impact on their industry.


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Enhancing All Your Relationships through Emotional Intelligence ...

The original version of this was posted on Leadership Couples.

Do you consider yourself a smart person? If you wouldn?t cross the road when you see a truck coming or can understand why we join a group to improve our capacity to learn, then consider yourself intelligent.

The standard metric to measure a person?s intelligence is the IQ test. Someone with an IQ of 130 or higher is considered extremely smart (top 2%). The average IQ is around 100. If someone had an IQ of less than 70 (bottom 2%) they likely would be labeled as not smart.

As a differentiating value, Intelligence means having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree.

Note the focus of intelligence is purely around one?s intellectual life. This is the world in which most university professors live. As Sir Ken Robinson so eloquently highlights in his famous TED presentation, many professors view their bodies as just a means to transport their heads around the campus.

IQ is all about the head. What?s missing is the heart.

A Rational View of the Heart

In 1995, Daniel Goleman published a book called ?Emotional Intelligence? (now commonly referred to as EQ). It became a best seller. Drawing from the fields of psychology and neuroscience, Goleman offered some new insights into the human mind ? what he called our ?two minds? ? the rational and the emotional.

In other words, Goleman looks at the heart (emotion) as an extension of the head (rational).

Goleman provides a sound argument (I hope you see the humor in this) that our emotions play a much greater role in thought, decision-making and our success than generally acknowledged. He defines EQ as a set of skills, including self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and social competence in personal relationships.

So, where does EQ fit into marriage?

Applying Emotional Intelligence to Marriage

Do you listen to your spouse through the filter of rational-only or emotion-only?

A popular generalization is that women speak from a place of mostly emotion, while men tend to speak from a place of mostly rational thought. If this were true, the simple fix to create better relationships would be for men to listen for the emotional meaning in what women are saying, and for women to listen to the rational meaning in what men are saying.

Of course, we human beings are a little more complicated than that. Almost everyone possesses the capacity for both rational thought and emotional feelings. But the quality and quantity of each varies.

(Where are you on the EQ scale? Try a free test here.)

Can you listen to your spouse and understand both the meaning of the message and the feeling behind it? Can you maintain control of ?your? emotions while listening to your spouse? Can you park your thoughts and ideas while listening to what your spouse is really saying?

Applying EQ to Other Relationships

Thankfully, our EQ is not determined by genetics. The ability to listen well and maintain self-control are skills that can be learned. Thus, developing a stronger, higher EQ in marriage provides many benefits outside of marriage.

If you learn how to listen well to your spouse, imagine how this skill can be transferred to working with customers, employees, and others. If you learn how to manage your emotions and maintain self-control with your spouse, imagine how this skill can benefit you when dealing with frustrated customers, difficult employees, and challenging suppliers.

In other words, strengthening your EQ at home will also benefit your business and other professional endeavors. The value of this skill even transcends into your volunteer work within the community.

And of course, it makes for a stronger, happier marriage!


What is the Emotional Intelligence in your marriage?

How can the value of intelligence help you make a difference in the lives of others?


P.S. My wife says I wrote this from an IQ perspective vs. EQ. What do you think?


Today?s value was selected from the ?Knowledge-Skillfulness? category,?based on the e-book?Developing Your Differentiating Value.



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U.S. seeks to tackle trade secret theft by China, others

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Faced with what experts say is growing theft of U.S. trade secrets by China and other nations, the White House on Wednesday vowed to protect American businesses and economic security more aggressively and consider tougher laws at home.

The White House did not directly cite China, which many see as the main threat and did not propose new penalties on perpetrators. A study released this week by a private security firm accused the Chinese military of orchestrating numerous cyber attacks against U.S. businesses, a charge Beijing has denied.

The Obama administration said its strategy aims to counter what U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder called "a significant and steadily increasing threat to America's economy and national security interests."

"As new technology has torn down traditional barriers to international business and global commerce, they also make it easier for criminals to steal secrets and to do so from anywhere, anywhere in the world," Holder said at a White House event to unveil the strategy.

He said the perpetrators include "individuals, companies and even countries that are eager to tilt the playing field to their advantage."

The plan includes working with like-minded governments to put pressure on bad actors, using trade policy tools where possible, increasing criminal prosecutions and launching a 120-day review to see whether new legislation is needed.

While the report did not specifically name any country as the main culprit, it listed 17 cases of trade secret theft by Chinese companies or individuals since 2010, far more than any other country mentioned in the report.

"We have repeatedly raised our concerns about trade secret theft by any means at the highest levels with senior Chinese officials and we will continue to do so," Under Secretary of State Robert Hormats said.

Those cases cited mostly involved employees stealing trade secrets on the job rather than cyber attacks. U.S. corporate victims of the theft included General Motors, Ford, DuPont, Dow Chemical, Motorola, Boeing and Cargill.

Last week, Representative Dutch Ruppersberger, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, said U.S. companies suffered estimated losses in 2012 of more than $300 billion due to trade secret theft, a large share due to Chinese cyber espionage.

Cybersecurity and intelligence experts welcomed the White House plan as a first step, but some said much more needed to be done.

"You've got a nation state taking on private corporations," said former CIA director Michael Hayden. "That's kind of unprecedented ... We have not approached resolution with this at all," he said.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation's largest business lobby, offered a lukewarm statement of support, while other industry groups expressed more enthusiasm for the effort.

"We strongly endorse and applaud the administration's focus on curbing theft of trade secrets, which poses a serious and growing threat to the software industry around the world," said Business Software Alliance President and CEO Robert Holleyman.


Victoria Espinel, the White House intellectual property rights enforcement coordinator, said the new strategy improves existing government efforts to protect the innovation that drives the U.S. economy and job creation.

The report that laid out the strategy repeated a 2011 White House recommendation that the maximum sentence for economic espionage be increased to at least 20 years, from 15 currently.

Another part of the solution is promoting a set of "best practices" that companies can use to protect themselves against cyber attacks and other espionage, Espinel said.

The report also said the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation was "expanding its efforts to fight computer intrusions that involve the theft of trade secrets by individual, corporate and nation-state cyber hackers."

In an interview, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said the problem of trade secret theft in China was a factor in the decisions of some U.S. companies to move operations back to the United States.

The companies have "had very frank conversations with the Chinese, (saying) 'You know it's one thing to accept a certain level of copyright knock-offs, but if you're going to take our core technology, then we're better off being in our home country,'" Kirk told Reuters.

(Additional reporting by Matt Spetalnick and Deborah Charles; Editing by Doina Chiacu, Bill Trott, Todd Eastham, Tim Ahmann and Cynthia Osterman)

(This story was refiled to fix Hormats' title to under secretary from deputy secretary, in the eighth paragraph)


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Caribbean cell phone company asks South Florida relatives to buy minutes for family back home

An Irish billionaire?s telecommunications company, which has revolutionized cell phone usage in some of the world?s poorest countries, is bringing it?s latest marketing pitch to South Florida.

Digicel is tapping into South Florida?s close ties to Haiti and Jamaica in a campaign that asks families stateside to send minutes home.

Irish billionaire Denis O?Brien has staked a claim in the telecommunication industry by building his cell phone company in developing countries in the Caribbean and South America The South Florida Digicel campaign includes bus bench ads, billboards and television spots. The message is simple: ?Send minutes home.?

Customers stateside can pay to send airtime minutes to family and friends? pre-paid cell phones in the Caribbean. The concept is not new, but Digicel is seeking to broaden it?s reach.

It is a nod to South Florida?s ties to the Caribbean and the financial influence of the region?s diaspora. Families in Haiti and Jamaica rely heavily on remittances from abroad.

Haiti received $2.1 billion in remittances in 2011, which represents more than one quarter of the national income, according to the Inter-American Development Bank . In 2011, Jamaica received nearly $2 billion in remittances.

?We understand the value of the diaspora,? said Valerie Estim?, CEO of Digicel?s diaspora division. ?They are our lifeline.?

Typically the company relies on ethnic media outlets like radio programs and niche publications for advertising, but there was a gap in reaching second- and third- generation Caribbean Americans, who are more plugged in to mainstream media, said Andreina Gonzalez, head of marketing in Digicel?s diaspora division.

?There was an opportunity to step up and go a little further,? Gonzalez said.

The campaign comes at a time when the company is facing some public relations backlash in Haiti and Jamaica. Customers from both islands have taken to social media to decry shoddy connections and poor customer service.

In Haiti, the problems were so acute that Digicel released an apology letter to its customers in December. When the company tried to integrate Voil?, a competitor Digicel acquired, into its network, the integration caused system failures.

?Quite simply, we did not deliver what we promised and we did not communicate effectively with customers through the problem times,? Damian Blackburn, Digicel?s Haiti CEO wrote in the apology.. ?We apologize for letting our customers down and want to thank them for their patience and understanding.?

In South Florida, the marketing pitch is family-centered and draws on the diaspora?s need to stay connected. Digicel representatives say airtime minutes are as valuable as the cash remittances families send to the Caribbean.

The advertising features members of a culturally ambiguous animated family smiling and talking on cell phones.

The ads that appear in Little Haiti, North Miami and North Miami Beach are largely targeting the Haitian community. In South Broward, the focus shifts to the Jamaican population.

A similar campaign has also been launched in New York.

Prices range for $7 to $60 to add minutes to a relative?s Digicel account. Transactions can be made online or at participating stores in South Florida.

?You?re able to make a very big difference with a very small amount of your disposable income,? said Estim?. ?We know how important it is to be able to get in touch with a mother, a sister or a brother.?

The company recognizes that some of its older customer base prefer the retail model, while younger and more savvy consumers would rather send pay for minutes directly from their computers or cell phones.

?It was really impressive to see Digicel online,? said Geralda Pierre, a Miami Gardens resident who sends minute to Haiti. ?It?s so convenient to add minutes for my dad in Haiti who is sick. It makes it easier for me to get in touch with him.?

For now, Digicel says it will continue to mix the old and new. The Creole-language advertisements on Haitian radio and Island TV, a Creole language cable network, are here to stay.

?We are bringing first world convenience in some cases to third world countries,? Estim? said. ?Digicel has in a way improved the lives of our loved ones back home.?

Follow @nadegegreen on Twitter


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5 big US banks have cut mortgage debt by $19 bn

WASHINGTON: Five of the biggest US banks have cut struggling homeowners' mortgage balances by $19 billion, part of a total $45.8 billion in relief provided under a landmark settlement over foreclosure abuses.

More than 550,000 borrowers received some form of mortgage relief between March 1 and Dec. 31, 2012, according to a report issued Thursday by Joseph Smith, the monitor of the settlement.

That translates to about $82,668 per homeowner, according to the report, which is based on the banks' own accounts of their progress.

The report says $19.5 billion of the $45.8 billion in relief was in the form of short sales, in which lenders agree to accept less than what the seller owes on the mortgage.


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Two realtors for two different areas? - Zillow Real Estate Advice

I think you are ok. I'd tell both you are looking at other areas to decide where you wish to be and that you will use one for their area and the other for the other. If ones gives you the "I can do both" and whines about it, then find another. I have had the same thing happen when someone is looking at two different towns and deciding which to buy into. If they are not in the same MLS system it makes it easier, if they are the same system it's harder. Where the problem comes in is when I showed you a house on this side of the street and the other agent showed you one on that side of the street and you use them to buy the one I showed you.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Symantec Publishes Q&A on the Chinese APT1 Campaign

Following the report issued by security firm Mandiant on APT1, the massive cyber espionage campaign allegedly launched by the Chinese military, Symantec has come forward to provide some clarifications, but also to reassure customers that they?re protected against the threat.

The company has released a Q&A in which it details the Comment Crew, the hacker group that?s believed to be behind APT1.

Symantec reports that the spear phishing emails sent by the cybercriminals usually contain attachments entitled something like this:

- ArmyPlansConferenceOnNewGCVSolicitation.pdf
- Chinese Oil Executive Learning From Experience.doc
- ?My Eight-year In Bank Of America.pdf

The industries targeted by the Comment Crew are IT, finance, energy, aerospace, manufacturing, media, telecoms, transportation and public services. The most targeted countries appear to be the US and India, but pieces of malware used by the Comment Crew have also been spotted in Russia, and other locations.

Additional details about APT1 and information on what threats are blocked by Symantec products are available here.


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NCAA's botched probe not end for Miami

NCAA president Mark Emmert is not giving up.

Never mind that 13 interviews officially have been excluded from the NCAA?s original investigation into Miami.

Forget that portions of 12 interviews have been excluded and ?some factual allegations were entirely removed.?

Don?t worry, Miami fans. Nobody will see that tainted evidence in the final report. The NCAA apparently has Wite-Out. Not enough, though, to scrap the entire case and declare a mistrial. Despite the recent 52-page report that detailed the NCAA?s unprecedented screwup, Emmert still has roughly 80 percent of what he wants you to believe is a valid investigation into Miami?s athletic department, and he plans on using it.

?The intention is to move forward with this case,? Emmert said. ?There?s still a lot of information that?s available that has in no way been tainted by this incident.?

Good luck getting anyone outside the NCAA to actually believe it. The problem for Miami, though, is that the only people who have to be convinced are the ones in Indianapolis.

The external ?Enforcement Review Report? has cut the NCAA?s credibility to its core, and has left many outside the organization with no faith or trust in its ability to fairly judge Miami in this case. And it?s not going to matter one single bit, because the NCAA?s Committee on Infractions is pressing on. Miami is going to receive a notice of allegations. And in typical NCAA fashion, no timetable has been set for it.

?The committee will now move forward,? Emmert said. ?I won?t set a timeline on that, but they?re moving forward with dispatch.?

Maybe the NCAA will have another president by the time Miami?s case is over.

Despite the program?s own wrongdoing, Miami fans have every right to be angry. It?s amazing Al Golden hasn?t turned his back and walked right out. He?s had to recruit three classes during this mess. Heck, even inner-city Philadelphia has to be sounding good right about now. Miami has followed the NCAA?s playbook on cooperation in this investigation every step of the way, while the NCAA reached a jaw-dropping new low with its investigative tactics. Instead of swinging back, Miami?s athletic department has punished itself with its tail between its legs:

  • Miami has given up two bowl games and what would have been the program's first ACC championship game appearance since joining the league.
  • The Canes have reduced their official visits.
  • They have reduced their contacts and evaluation days in the fall.
  • They have reduced the number of scholarships.

The NCAA? It fired a few high-ranking officials, vowed to be better, and said a notice of allegations is on its way.

You would think that Miami?s proactive approach, coupled with the NCAA?s botched investigation, would add up to a mistrial. Instead, in each of the past two teleconferences Emmert has had with the media regarding this incident, he has reiterated that the NCAA still has plenty of evidence against Miami and plans to move forward with it.

In a case that has redefined hypocrisy, the NCAA won?t relinquish its role as judge, despite the fact it was just found guilty.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

iPhone: replaced 3g iPhone glass now it doesn't work

My boyfriend gave me his old Iphone 3g, the only thing wrong with it was that the glass was broken. I told him that I would fix it and use it! I ordered a new glass piece and digitizer and I put it in last night. I plugged it in over night to charge and this morning it turned on and looked great. The only problem is that its not not recognizing or allowing us to do anything. It isn't reading touch. Any ideas?


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Talk of more corporate deals sends stocks higher

(AP) ? Talk of more merger and acquisitions is sending stock prices slightly higher in early trading, setting the market up to continue a seven-week rally.

Reports that retailers Office Depot and OfficeMax are discussing a combination come shortly after several big corporate deals were announced in recent weeks. Both stocks were up sharply in early trading.

The Dow Jones industrial average was up seven points at 13,988 shortly after the opening bell Tuesday.

The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose three to 1,523. The Nasdaq composite also rose three points to 3,195.

Markets were higher in Europe following news that the German economy is picking up steam. Indexes rose about 1 percent in Germany, France and Britain.

Asian markets were mostly down because of concerns about Chinese real estate curbs.

Associated Press


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Monday, February 4, 2013

Simple Self Defense for Women Featured on Daytona Live TV Show ...

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Interview of Tracy Vega Simple Self Defense for Women Featured on Daytona Live TV Show 2011. Simple Self Defense for Women? takes a unique approach to self-defense. It is designed specifically for women who want to know How to Simply Escape an Attack, NOT Stay and Fight. For more information about Simple Self Defense for Women please visit

Related Reading:

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Fight back?with Personal Defense for Women.

Statistics show that violent crimes against women are at an all-time high. Don't be the next victim! In Personal Defense for Women, author Gila Hayes shows you how to build awareness to avoid confrontations?and how to fight back when necessary. If you're concerned about your personal safety and security in your home, in your car, in your workplace and on the campus, there's no better guide than Personal Defense for Women.

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Self-DefenseDr. Alex Delaware doesn?t see many private patients anymore, but the young woman called Lucy is an exception. So is her dream. Lucy Lowell is referred to Alex by Los Angeles police detective Milo Sturgis. A juror at the agonizing trial of a serial killer, Lucy survived the trauma only to be tormented by a recurring nightmare: a young child in the forest at night, watching a strange and furtive act.

Now Lucy?s dream is starting to disrupt her waking life, and Alex is concerned. The power of the dream, its grip on Lucy?s emotions, suggests to him that it may be more than a nightmare. It may be the repressed childhood memory of something very real. Something like murder.

From the Paperback edition.

In Self DefenseIn Self Defense is inspired by the true-life story of a martial arts legend who died at the hand of his own son. After fighting in the jungles of the South Pacific in World War II, Willy Wetzel and his family migrated from Indonesia to America in 1956. Willy opened one of the first martial arts schools in the United States in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. He was a pioneer and became known worldwide for his mastery of many martial arts forms. The finest pupil Willy ever taught, was his second son, Roy Wetzel. The Wetzels all had their battle scars, some more visible than others. When Roy returned from Viet Nam with a Purple Heart, he hoped for a peaceful life at home. Instead Roy found himself in a fight with his father.One fateful night, their strained relationship finally came to a head. As Roy's young daughter lay asleep in the next room, a weapon-filled brutal fight between father and son ensued. The aftermath of Willy's last skirmish would leave Roy bloody and beaten and charged by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with Murder. This led to a controversial trial and the original court transcripts contained in the second half of this non-fiction novel give a compelling account of the prolonged legal contest that stirred up many debates. Following the lives of the Wetzels in intricate detail, In Self Defense will keep you turning the page till the very end.


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