Saturday, December 29, 2012

Racial disparities in pediatric appendicitis treatment tied to hospital type

Dec. 28, 2012 ? When researchers from UCLA Medical Center investigated the link between racial disparities and appendicitis outcomes in children, they found that the type of hospital in which black, Hispanic and other minority patients receive care -- community, children's or county -- affects their odds of developing a perforated appendix. The study published in the January issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons is a first-of-its-kind look at the role hospital type plays in race-based treatment variances among this patient subset.

Appendicitis -- a painful, inflamed appendix -- is the most common reason for emergency abdominal surgery in children. Approximately 80,000 pediatric cases are diagnosed in the U.S. annually.* Since the inflamed appendix can sometimes become perforated if the condition is not treated in a timely fashion (usually one to two days from the time symptoms first appear), researchers have used appendix perforation as a marker for inadequate access to health care. While existing research shows that a number of factors (such as age, socioeconomic status, the distance a family lives from a hospital) increase the risk for developing a perforated appendix in minorities, these factors don't tell the whole story.

"Appendicitis is a time-dependent disease process that leads to more a complicated medical outcome, and that outcome, perforated appendicitis, has increased hospital costs and increased burden to both the patient and society," according to study author Stephen Shew, MD, FACS, associate professor of surgery, UCLA Medical Center, and a pediatric surgeon at Mattel Children's hospital, both in Los Angeles.

To determine whether there is a link between hospital type and racial disparities, as measured by appendiceal perforation (AP), Dr. Shew and colleagues looked at data from the California Patient Discharge Dataset. Their analysis involved 107,727 children between the ages of two and 18 years old who were treated for appendicitis at 386 California hospitals between 1999 and 2007. Of these children, 53 percent were Hispanic, 36 percent were white, 3 percent were black, 5 percent were Asian, and 8 percent were of an unknown race. The children were sorted by hospital type, which included community, children's and county hospitals.

After accounting for age, income level and other known factors that increase risk for a perforated appendix, researchers found that at community hospitals, Hispanic children were 23 percent more likely to experience appendix perforation than white children, and Asian children were 34 percent more likely than white children to experience appendix perforation. Further, Hispanic patients treated at children's hospitals were 18 percent more likely to develop this complication than white patients. Odds of appendix perforation did not differ by race within county hospitals. Researchers also found that black patients treated at children's and county hospitals had a higher risk of appendix perforation compared with black patients treated at community hospitals.

Beyond what the researchers already know about appendicitis outcomes in children, these findings indicate that hospital type does play an independent role in risk for perforated appendicitis, and that these disparities in appendicitis outcomes exist at different types of hospitals based upon race, Dr. Shew said. "The goal is to figure out why these racial disparities exist and what interventions could be put in place to help eliminate them," he added.

Dr. Shew stressed that further research is still needed on a variety of issues, including whether there is a link between language barriers and understanding symptoms of appendicitis and access to care. "We don't know what explains these findings; however we suspect that there are some other barriers in play," Dr. Shew said. This discovery shows that a critical piece of the puzzle -- what is happening with the child and the parents from the time they first discover the symptoms of appendicitis to the time they seek care -- is still missing.

"As investigators it behooves us to look further into prehospital factors that may contribute to this racial disparity and ultimately find what interventions can be implemented to provide much quicker access to care, so children can get treated more effectively," Dr. Shew said. "But we don't know for sure what would be most beneficial until we really know where the problem lies."

* Addiss DG, Shaffer N, Fowler BS, Tauxe RV. The epidemiology of appendicitis and appendectomy in the United States. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:910-925.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American College of Surgeons, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Lorraine I. Kelley-Quon, Chi-Hong Tseng, Howard C. Jen, Steven L. Lee, Stephen B. Shew. Hospital Type as a Metric for Racial Disparities in Pediatric Appendicitis. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2013; 216 (1): 74 DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2012.09.018

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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OUYA Ships 1,200 Development Consoles, Shows Off Its Pre ...

OUYA, the Android-based affordable gaming console that inspired a wide range of reaction from tech watchers and gamers alike when it debuted on Kickstarter back in July 2012, today reached an important milestone: shipping product. Admittedly, it?s just the developer-specific consoles for now, but 1,200 units are now winging their way to actual people, and the company put the pre-release gaming console on video to prove it.

This OUYA unboxing video gives us a glimpse at what the thing looks like in the flesh ? albeit in a transparent plastic casing for both controller and console that doesn?t reflect its anticipated shipping fit and finish. The design isn?t quite final either, as founder Jules Uhrman explains on the video alongside an Ouya designer that the d-pad will change, as will shoulder pad positioning and a number of other internal controller components. Also newly shown off in the video are a micro USB port on the console itself, and an internal fan in the device to keep it cool during intense gaming sessions.

The console looks an awful lot like early renders we?ve seen (minus the limited-edition transparent plastic finish) and Uhrman even goes so far as to actually plug in the console and power it up on video, although we don?t see anything beyond a boot screen as the device loads up with the ?OUYA? branding. At the very least though, we know it turns on, and that it?s shipping in some capacity, which in itself might be?enough?to quiet those who were?skeptical about OUYA?s ability to deliver any kind of working device at all.

Shipping development consoles today also means that OUYA has indeed kept its initial hardware ship date promise ? a rarity among any Kickstarter projects, and impressive given the?popularity?of this one in particular and the amount of scrutiny it received. On-time delivery of these units bodes well for OUYA?s anticipated March 2013 shipping date for consumer units. But there?s still plenty of work to be done on software, and refinements are needed on the hardware side, too, so nothing?s set in stone at this point. Still, it?s great to see OUYA even reach this point, and here?s hoping they make that March launch.

OUYA was created in 2012 by Julie Uhrman, a video game industry veteran who saw an opportunity to open up the last closed game platform ? the TV. Julie and an initial team of game developers and advisors brought the concept to life with the help of Yves Behar and the fuseproject, and took it to Kickstarter in July of 2012. It became one of the most successful Kickstarter projects ever, with tens of thousands of backers pledging to...

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Flickr (for iPhone)

Flickr is the most popular photo-specific web service around (with over 26 million unique visitors per month, according to recent comScore numbers) and it earned our Editors' Choice as the best. But its mobile app has long been held up as a missed opportunity because of the many features of the main service it lacked. A recent major update changes all this?it's now a fantastic photo app?and adds a strong play in the social networking ecosystem, with Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr integration. But maybe most significant new features are its Instagram-like photo enhancements, which, coming on the heels of Instagram's recent lessening of Twitter integration, could be a big new venue for Flickr.?

In the iTunes App Store, the same new Flickr app states support for both iPhone and iPad, though it only appears in the iPhone section. Users of the new iPhone 5 will be happy to note that the new app takes advantage of their phone's longer display. Unfortunately, on the iPad, the app is formatted with the small iPhone-size image; you can hit the 2x button to fill most of the screen. Of course, you could just go to the full Web version in Safari on the iPad. If you don't have a Flickr account, you can sign in with your Facebook or Google account, and of course, a Yahoo Mail login works

Interface and Features
In place of the old app's three simple tabs for Recent, You, and Contacts, you now get five buttons across the bottom for contacts/groups, Interesting/Nearby, your own Photo Stream and Activity, and More, which offers searching among other functions. This is one interface design aspect that some may prefer the old app for?there the search box was prominently at the top of the home page.

The really great thing about the new interface is its use of the swipe gestures. I can swipe sideways through any of my contacts' photo streams or up and down to switch among contacts. In the Interesting/Nearby mode, accessible from the globe button, I can swipe down through all the cream of the photos culled from nearly 2 million daily uploads. And all this swiping and switching among button modes is superfast; Yahoo has clearly put efforts into the performance of the app.

Instead of showing a grid of small square boxes when you're viewing a photo stream or set, the new app uses the much more appealing "justified" layout familiar from the new Flickr Web design. This layout offers a much better view of the photos, and you don't get it with Picasa's mobile experience (Picasa doesn't have an iOS app) or in apps from Photobucket, SlickPic, or even Instagram.

The individual photo view is also improved. Tapping on the image opens it in full screen, but not you can zoom in by spreading fingers on it?up to its full resolution?and pinch to zoom out. The old app only let you fit the image to the phone's screen?no pinch zooming. You can still comment on, favorite, and share a photo from its page, and now, clicking the "i" brings up the photo's map, tags, groups it's included in, and EXIF info such as shutter speed, ISO, focal length, and F-stop. To Favorite a photo, you double-tap on it; I actually prefer heart button, which seems less likely to result in unintentional favoriting.

One thing you can't do is save a photo from a Web album to your phone, something available in the previous version. This app is more about going the other way?taking pictures with your iPhone and uploading them to the service and sharing them on social sites. It now even offers batch uploads, where you select multiple photos for uploading at once. But hopefully the Flickr dev team will restore the ability to download photo stream images in a future update.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

'Holy Motors': One fun (and totally bizarre) limo ride | 3 stars ...

The key to enjoying Leos Carax?s mad masterpiece ?Holy Motors? ? and this is just a guess, because this film has no precedent, and no two people are likely to interpret it the same way ? comes right at the beginning, when we witness a theater audience watching a movie, basking in the light reflecting off the screen.

Behind a wall at the rear of the auditorium, in the spot where the projectionist?s booth would normally be, a man wakes up, unlocks a hidden door with a finger-key and then looks down at the crowd, turning the watchers into the watched. ?Holy Motors? is, among other things, a movie about seeing, and in that moment I think Carax is telling us he?s going to study us just as closely as we study his film.Then an enormous dog strolls down the theater aisle without explanation. From this point forward, you?re on your own, because I?m out of answers. ?Holy Motors? is the first movie Carax has directed since 2006?s ?Pola X,? and it feels as if it came to him in a feverish, inspired dream ? as if he jotted it all down when he woke up to ensure he remembered it and then felt he had to make, without truly understanding why. The central premise is simple: Oscar (Beau Travail?s great Denis Lavant) spends all day riding around Paris in an enormous white limo driven by his secretary/agent C?line (Edith Scob). She gives him various assignments, all of which require Oscar to transform himself physically (the back of the limo houses a dressing room) and play a brief role in some ongoing drama.In one stop, he?s a hunchbacked old lady begging for change on the street. In another, he?s an actor in a motion-capture animation movie that involves sex and violence. At an outdoor caf?, he guns down a man and is shot by his bodyguards.What happens in ?Holy Motors? isn?t important (although a Kylie Minogue musical number deserves a shout-out). People who demand logic and narrative from their movies are better off staying away and perhaps hiding under their beds, just to be safe. Like David Lynch, Carax doesn?t grant many interviews, because he probably hates explaining his work, or more likely doesn?t know how. This is filmmaking straight from the subconscious, but there?s real feeling and beauty and humor here, too: It?s not some loose string of bizarre scenarios strung together and masquerading as Art. ?Holy Motors? is a lot of fun, in part because it?s so well made and in part because you never know what?s coming next (why, exactly, have Oscar?s wife and kids suddenly turned into chimpanzees?).This is the second film released this year set largely inside a limo, after David Cronenberg?s ?Cosmopolis.? That one was dense and cerebral. ?Holy Motors? is wild and unfettered and playful ? the work of an artist who carries his love of cinema in his bones, and knows how to share that affection with the audience.(At the Tivoli.)


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Students' online and offline social networks can predict course grades

Dec. 27, 2012 ? Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's (BGU) Social Networks Security Research Group in its Department of Information Systems Engineering has developed a novel method to predict how well or badly a student will perform in an academic course.

The information can be used to determine which students need the most help, as well as which ones excel and might be guided to further study or careers in that subject area. The paper, "Predicting Student Exam Scores by Analyzing Social Network Data," was presented earlier this month at the Advanced Media Technology Conference in Macau, Hong Kong.

According to co-author and Ph.D. student Michael Fire, "While most papers about social network analysis deal solely with information gathered online, this study draws some of the information from the real world -- social interactions which were conducted off the grid."

The researchers analyzed data from a BGU course that included assignments submitted online and Web site logs (containing 10,759 entries) to construct social networks of explicit and implicit cooperation among the students. The implicit connections are used to model all the social interactions that happened "offline" among the students: e-mails with questions, conversations in the lab while preparing the assignments and even course forums.

"These connections were very important, as we sought to model the social interactions within the student body," Fire explains.

In addition to analyzing the online submissions of the students who had to work in pairs or in groups, they also tracked login time and computer usage. For instance, if two students submitted their assignments from the same computer, it was a likely indication that the two had worked together to complete the assignment. If two students submitted assignments from different computers, but one right after the other on more than one occasion, the authors gave a value to that data, as well.

"One explanation for what we discovered is that your friends influence your grade in the course, so, if you pick your friends well, then you will get a higher grade," Fire says. "Alternatively, social networks in courses offer conditions whereby good students will pair with other good students, and similarly weaker ones will pair with weaker students."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Obama heads back to Washington as "cliff" deadline nears (reuters)

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Will Congress have a New Year?s Eve cliff countdown?

The official countdown clock for the fiscal cliff starts on Thursday, and a big question will be if Congress will be in session next Monday night.

Obama_Boehner_State_of_the_Union_2011President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats are set to resume work on fiscal cliff talks on Thursday, assuming the president?s return from Hawaii isn?t delayed by bad weather.

That leaves the Democrats and Republicans with five days to agree on a fiscal cliff compromise, get the bills written for such measures, and hold two high-profile public votes.

Outgoing Senator Joe Lieberman seemingly joked on Sunday that the fiscal cliff vote could come as gigantic crowds amass on New Year?s Eve to celebrate the holiday.

?We?re going to spend New Year?s Eve here, I believe,? he told CNN.
But on further review, maybe Lieberman wasn?t joking after all.

The assumption going into Thursday was that President Barack Obama and Senate majority leader Harry Reid would agree on some type of stop-gap measure to delay middle-class tax hikes and hold off some spending cuts.

The temporary measure would have to get passed by the GOP-controlled House and Democrat-controlled Senate in near-record time, and it still wouldn?t fix the long-term problems that are part of the fiscal cliff debate.

On Sunday, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison said she expected any action in the waning days of the year to be ?a patch because in four days we can?t solve everything.?

Even getting a stop-gap measure through the Senate will be tricky, since its GOP leadership will need to forgo a filibuster to get a bill passed.

Then, the divided Republican House would need to agree on a measure proposed by Democrats. Last week, GOP House members couldn?t agree on a bill offered by its own leader, John Boehner.

There were reportedly no talks between the sides during the Christmas holiday break, so negotiations won?t start until Thursday.

One rumored stop-gap package would be a delay on taxing households with income under $250,000, an extension of unemployment benefits, a patch to the alternative minimum tax and a delay to spending cuts known as the sequester.

However, there was growing pessimism the Democrats could get any Republican support in the House unless a stop-gap measure include a delayed tax hike for all households and cuts to social programs.

But the Republicans also have to deal with some less-than-favorable factors.

For starters, there will be fewer GOP members in the House and Senate after the New Year, as a new crop of Congress members takes office. And public opinion polls show most Americans will blame GOP leadership if the fiscal cliff becomes a reality.

Making matters more complex is the theory that some Republicans want the steep tax hikes and spending cuts that make up the fiscal cliff to kick in?at least for a few days.

The House could then vote for a compromise measure that would, technically, lower taxes after the Bush-era tax cuts expire. Such a measure would give GOP House members some ?cover? in two years when they come up for re-election.

The one factor that could force a stop-gap package before New Year?s Day is a very, very bad reaction from Wall Street.

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So far, investors are watching and waiting to see what happens by the weekend.

In a New York Times article, Julia Coronado, the chief North American economist at BNP Paribas, was pessimistic. ?Markets have been incredibly complacent about this,? she said. And investors won?t be happy if the fiscal cliff happens. ?The markets will take that hard.?

However, that isn?t a consensus opinion. Some market watchers believe fiscal cliff scenarios have been priced into the market already, while others are expecting negotiations to finalize in January, before much damage happens.

Historically, market trading is light on December 31, but next Monday could be an interesting day, especially if talks fall apart on the weekend.

A bad day on Wall Street could lead to a late night in Washington.

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Diet and lifestyle Tips to get Younger Skin | Health and Fitness Tips ...

8 to 10 portions of water each day might seem like a great deal but our physiques actually need much water to remain healthy inside and outside. This helps within the removal of wastes and harmful toxins in the skin. Moisturize The Skin. The sun?s rays is the skin?s worst enemy. Whenever you sunburn the skin you damage cells.

The skin may be the primary organ within your body and mirrors your way of life. Skin safeguards us in the extremes in our atmosphere and from contaminants in mid-air around us. It reflects your food intake, drink or do. Keeps the skin searching fresh by finding the way your lifestyle and skin-care habits shape the skin every day? Stay well hydrated. Consuming lots of water does indeed help the skin become more healthy and fewer prone to facial lines.

When skin cells are broken, the skin must produce new cells to exchange them which process weakens the skin each time it?s repeated. The skin are affected from impulsive aging if you do not safeguard if from Ultra violet sun rays and repeated sunburns. Although Ultra violet sun rays cause the skin to glance older than however they may also cause cancer of the skin. The only method to fully defend the skin is by using a sun screen lotion cream each day. You?ll find daily skin lotions with Ultra violet protection in addition to foundation makeup with SPF?s as much as 15. Put on a hat or visor to safeguard the face in the sun. Clothing alone won?t safeguard the skin from Ultra violet sun rays. Smoking may also cause the skin to appear pale or gray colored. Giving up smoking will get a lean body and the look of the skin greatly.

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A moisturizer in it ought to be used all around the body every time you bathe or shower. Body oil put on faintly wet skin following a shower will aid seal in moisture and the skin from becoming dry. Use a moisturizer in it in your face each morning and during the night. Ascorbic Acid creams can offers brilliant wrinkle control plus they could also aid liver spots to fade. An item which consists of alpha hydroxy chemicals could be good at keeping the skin more youthful searching too. For good proper care of the skin internally it provides you with plenty of many years of protection without causing you to look over the age of your years.

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Tags: diet tips to get younger skin, lifestyle Tips, Younger Skin
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